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The Worst Smell.

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I'm eating my tea reading this thread- it's quite interesting.


Decomp is a pretty recognisable smell and is also rather horrible, but in terms of the worst smell to come from me it has to be the infection I got in the cavity when I had my tumour removed. It was all stuck up with OpSite and even through that the smell was putting me off my food, but they chose to remove the OpSite whilst everyone else was eating their dinner and after the pus started running out of the drain holes everybody else on the ward decided that dinner was a bit unpalateable.


That was a mix of S aureus, E coli, P aeruginosa and a couple of other things, mixed with plasma, blood, white blood cells and cooked at 37C for a week. The most disgusting thing was that because it was a cavity (the tumour weighed just over 1kg and left a cavity 23cm long under my arm) there was no point in just giving me antibiotics so all they did was to take me to theatre, reopen it all up, flush it all and insert a new drain, which they used to flush the cavity twice a day with saline until the infection all went away.

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