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Peter Price (Comments)

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Tosh13, you can't be serious? It was a joke, lighten up mate. If you can't see the funny side of it then I pity you.


Peter Price is my Mum's cousin, good to see that there are even more Owls fans in the family. :D


Good to see that the majority of Blades fans have got a good sense of humour :thumbsup: . To the others re-read your own comments and look how silly they look.

I don't need your pity sunshine,being an ex Labour member I find his word's an insult I don't think he should resign ,but he should send his apologies to all Reds in Sheffield & the Club,not by phone on TV,he is supposed to remain impartial in the job he is in,like I said there is nothing wrong with banter,we have it all the time on the Forum but when it start's getting to insults they are told to knock it off,by the moderators.

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This Moron should resign,he should keep his comments to himself.He has insulted the whole of Sheffield United,Players,Boards & the Fans,he is a total disgrace.


I don't need your pity sunshine,being an ex Labour member I find his word's an insult I don't think he should resign ,but he should send his apologies to all Reds in Sheffield & the Club,not by phone on TV,he is supposed to remain impartial in the job he is in,like I said there is nothing wrong with banter,we have it all the time on the Forum but when it start's getting to insults they are told to knock it off,by the moderators.


Make your mind up.


Banter is banter, get a life!

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I think he should resign and I've told him so.



Mods, he is an elected official and the email address is from the council website



Thanks for that email address,I've emailed him to tell him that I find the whole situation mildly amusing and that anyone with at least half a brain can see itfor the joke it's meant to be.

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Am I right in thinking that the Blades in the Community crowd run IT courses in the spanky new office accomodation that you boys have got at Bramall Lane ?? How funny would it be if Warnock invited him down to attend a "Basic Computing Skills" course held there, maybe with a couple of the players along who're going to be playing in the Prem next season ?? Get the local rags along to take a few photo's and make a big show of him getting his comeuppance for being a berk and hitting the wrong button . . . what goes around comes around, rather than calling for his head over something like this, take the p**s back and enjoy every second of his suffering !!!!!


And I'm an Owl by the way, just thing it would be hystercial to provide a punishment conversant with the crime :)

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Even as a Blade I think the press have built a mountain out of a mole hill. For many years Owls and Blades fans have been calling each other pigs. At least Price has shown he is still a normal person (if you can call a pig supporter normal). Even if he had been interviewed on calendar and had made comments about cleaning up pig-muck I would still have found it funny. How come people aren't calling for Caborn to resign as he has stated publicly that he is a Blade?


Politicians are condemned too often for being too out of touch and too serious, but when councillors like Price show their more human (or pig) side, they still get condemned.


P.S. I would love to see him go on Look North or Calendar to give a grovelling apology though!

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