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Barnsley Schools Summer Holidays Cut

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Barnsley Council have courted controversy by cutting the school summer holiday to just over 4 weeks, balanced with a 2-week half-term break at the end of October.

This is due to start in 2017, but appears to have been imposed without consultation with schools/principals.



Edited by cgksheff
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Barnsley Council have courted controversy by cutting the school summer holiday to just over 4 weeks, balanced with a 2-week half-term break at the end of October.

This is due to start in 2017, but appears to have been imposed without consultation with schools/principals.






Barnsley Council said the decision followed consultation with neighbouring local authorities in South Yorkshire, headteachers, trade unions and teachers’ associations.



(Though I suspect the consultation might have been along the lines of


"we've had this idea, we like it, what do you think?"


"It's a bad idea for these reasons <lists reasons>"


"OK. We'll do it then")

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(Though I suspect the consultation might have been along the lines of


"we've had this idea, we like it, what do you think?"


"It's a bad idea for these reasons <lists reasons>"


"OK. We'll do it then")


That's if it even went that far.

All the teachers I know, (including some heads) say the first they knew about it was when it was on the news, like everyone else.


Councils always say this don't they? (Including Sheffield Council who've turned it into an art form.)

"....After consultation with the general public, we've decided to....."

But just try finding out who they've actually consulted and you'll draw a complete blank.

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saw something on news about this a few days ago. they interviewed the principal of the biggest academy in the area ( 2000 pupils ) . he said no one at the academy had been consulted at all


That was Horizon Academy on Dodworth Road Barnsley. My daughter is a teacher at a different school in Barnsley and she knew about it, so it seems like it has been hit and miss.

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According to the BBC, schools can decide their own term times now - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-34171948


I believe Academies have been able to do it for a while now - https://www.gov.uk/types-of-school/academies


That is what the academisation of schools is all about, sidelining professionals and allowing aggressive management. It is the corporate takeover of state education.

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According to the BBC, schools can decide their own term times now - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-34171948


I believe Academies have been able to do it for a while now - https://www.gov.uk/types-of-school/academies


That is true - however it can be met with severe objection. My OH is a teacher in an academy in Sandall (Wakefield borough). After we had booked a holiday for the last published week of the summer holidays this year the Headmaster decided he would like to do similar and shorten the break by a week. Although to his credit he did ask all the staff for their opinions.


Needless to say we weren't the only ones who had booked to go away that week. And other objections were received from teachers who has children of their own at other schools who would be still on holiday and so require childcare. So in the end they decided not to change anything. Although I suspect this ruling by an entire area might mean it's different next year.

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