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In-Out vote: Has anyone changed their mind since the campaign started?

EU. In or Out?  

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  1. 1. EU. In or Out?

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Well, not with Euro's that's for sure! :hihi:
Depends when you're talking about...


...if it happened to be "after the UK goes to Brussels cap in hand to be let back in" (;))


...then yes, it absolutely would be with €uros :twisted::hihi:


That's just some gentle ribbing, so many compounding 'ifs' into the future. But don't for a minute think that the EU wouldn't press hard, really hard, (backstop negotiation position, my-way-or-the-highway -hard) for the UK to take the whole Schengen, €uro, migrant quotas <etc> <etc> if it was in the most unfortunate position of 'having to get back in' in years to come.

Edited by L00b
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More money in the kitty for the NHS

Decisions made centrally not by unelected beaurocrats

Less net migration


You have no idea that the money will be spent on the NHS..where is the guarantee? How do you know nett migration will be lower..what about the people who would have emigrated to the EU but won't be allowed to do that as easily as they do now?What about when all the pensioners in Spain have to come back 'cos the EU decide to change the rules (with no input from us).. Migration is a two sided affair....

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That's a YouGov poll. An ICM poll last week had it 48-40 for Exit; this week its 43-42 for remain. There has been no previous referendum like this which is why the polls are all over the place.


Oh right i see! thanks

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Has anyone changed my mind? No. But I'll keep plugging away trying to change the minds of others!


The exiters can't guarantee anything at all though..how much will people in Sheffield/Yorkshire get from it? Will the money be spent up here ( as a lot of the "EU" money is) or will it all go down south for pet projects there?


What do you think the Stayers are guaranteeing?


The only guarantee being made is being made by the Exiters. It is the guarantee that voting to leave will return full democracy to our country. It will mean that the government of the day gets to set laws and policies and they are 100% accountable to us. Exit guarantees sovereignty and Staying surrenders it.


And the advantages of leaving are........?


I just don't see any good, costed argument coming out of the Brexit camp..


What figure would you place on sovereignty and democracy? What price is too high and how does that price compare to the price previous generations paid to win democracy and retain our sovereignty?


The EU needs to be put back in it's trade body box. It doesn't need to be this way... it just requires the members of the club to revolt. And someone needs to stand up and lead the revolt and, as usual, it is up to the British to do this. If people want change (and even most Stayers acknowledge they do) then they must vote to leave because only a direct threat to the EU's existence (members abandoning the club) will compel any meaningful change.

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Yes another slimy politician.

I was referring to the electorate. Many of whom just want better jobs, better NHS, more control over daily life.


Oh sorry, I thought you meant Remain politicians.


Yep, I admit it, I have a vested interest in Remain. What of it?


I struggle to think why anyone votes for anything without a vested interest.

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You have no idea that the money will be spent on the NHS..where is the guarantee? How do you know nett migration will be lower..what about the people who would have emigrated to the EU but won't be allowed to do that as easily as they do now?What about when all the pensioners in Spain have to come back 'cos the EU decide to change the rules (with no input from us).. Migration is a two sided affair....


Where's the guarantees in staying in?


---------- Post added 07-06-2016 at 13:02 ----------


Oh sorry, I thought you meant Remain politicians.


Yep, I admit it, I have a vested interest in Remain. What of it?


I struggle to think why anyone votes for anything without a vested interest.


I think of the wider country. 5 years time, 10 years time, what the country will be like.


---------- Post added 07-06-2016 at 13:04 ----------


You hope

Not that old chestnut..geeeez

You hope


All we have is hope. The brexiters have based a campaign around using cash to help NHS. I hope it is true.

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Where's the guarantees in staying in?


House prices will continue to rise.

Wages will carry on being suppressed.

The country side will continue shrinking.

Higher imports to feed a growing population.

Poor public services.

High energy prices.

Increased consumption causing more environmental problems and climate change.

Increased poverty.

Increased health problems cause by vehicle emissions.

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The odds on Scottish Independence were firmly for the Union...then Indy caught up. In the end I think they stopped taking bets.


Bookies are in it to make money. Their odds formulae reflect money placed on either outcome being maximised for their profit


Let's see. It looked at one stage as if remain were going to win easy. Not so now.


---------- Post added 07-06-2016 at 13:07 ----------


House prices will continue to rise.

Wages will carry on being suppressed.

The country side will continue shrinking.

Higher imports to feed a growing population.

Poor public services.

High energy prices.

Increased consumption causing more environmental problems and climate change.


Failing steel industry...the future looks bright

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Has anyone changed my mind? No. But I'll keep plugging away trying to change the minds of others!




What do you think the Stayers are guaranteeing?


The only guarantee being made is being made by the Exiters. It is the guarantee that voting to leave will return full democracy to our country. It will mean that the government of the day gets to set laws and policies and they are 100% accountable to us. Exit guarantees sovereignty and Staying surrenders it.




What figure would you place on sovereignty and democracy? What price is too high and how does that price compare to the price previous generations paid to win democracy and retain our sovereignty?


The EU needs to be put back in it's trade body box. It doesn't need to be this way... it just requires the members of the club to revolt. And someone needs to stand up and lead the revolt and, as usual, it is up to the British to do this. If people want change (and even most Stayers acknowledge they do) then they must vote to leave because only a direct threat to the EU's existence (members abandoning the club) will compel any meaningful change.


Post of the day. :cool:

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