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In-Out vote: Has anyone changed their mind since the campaign started?

EU. In or Out?  

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  1. 1. EU. In or Out?

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If the home product is more expensive...

Who's doing the buying? The government or private businesses?

If the government , we have to pay higher taxes to fund the same thing.

If private businesses, you make them less competitive so they'll either be less profitable, go bust needlessly, or leave the country.


UK consumers, business and government will do the buying.

Buying from abroad means fewer taxes when British industry goes bust, just about everything we consume can be produced cheaper in China, but if we bought everything from China no one in the UK would have a job, it wouldn't be possible to run our economy on the consumption of cheap imports.

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It wouldn't make economic sense to send x pats back or penalise them.

Spain has 400k of our nationals & 100k job seeking spaniards are here.


---------- Post added 07-06-2016 at 13:25 ----------



So you are saying it's not true?


---------- Post added 07-06-2016 at 13:26 ----------


The EU does not allow state support of a business if it would distort competition in the single market.

The final decision on whether state aid is allowed is down to the European Commission.

It applies rules agreed by every country in the EU.

But the steel industry is a special case.

Because the European Union already produces more steel than it needs, the member states of the EU agreed to allow uneconomical producers to go bust, rather than let governments save them.


BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-35933904


I'm saying you have quoted an article, word for word, from one source and not read others that question quite how Brexit would save British steel and quite how the EU is responsible for its failure.


I quote, from the Guardian article I posted above (notice how I reference a source there)


"But has the EU actually helped the steel industry?


....the EU helps to protect the British steel industry from retaliation in the event of higher tariffs being introduced and it has the power to slow the flow of Chinese imports. Labour agrees, but claims the government is trying to use the EU to hide its inaction over the crisis. Angela Eagle, the Labour business spokeswoman, has questioned why the government supports handing China market economy status within the WTO, which would severely limit the ability to introduce new tariffs. “Granting market economy status to China in the absence of important safeguards would significantly diminish the capacity of the European Union to guard against Chinese dumping and it has the potential to destroy the UK industry,” she told parliament last month. In addition, other problems facing the steel industry, such as energy prices and business rates, are issues specific to the UK."

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UK consumers, business and government will do the buying.

Buying from abroad means fewer taxes when British industry goes bust, just about everything we consume can be produced cheaper in China, but if we bought everything from China no one in the UK would have a job, it wouldn't be possible to run our economy on the consumption of cheap imports.


That's really not how it works.


As I say, North Korea tried to live that way. Now they're starving.

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If I am honest the project fear of financial disaster has got me concerned but I keep going back to how Dave said he ruled nothing out. Now if he came out and openly admitted he had lied on that statement then maybe I would take notice of his dire predictions. As he will not do this because he would be branded a liar then I have to assume he is lying on his predictions instead.

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UK consumers, business and government will do the buying.

Buying from abroad means fewer taxes when British industry goes bust, just about everything we consume can be produced cheaper in China, but if we bought everything from China no one in the UK would have a job, it wouldn't be possible to run our economy on the consumption of cheap imports.


You want the British people and industry to buy British goods even if they're more expensive? How long do you reckon British Industry would last..their export prices would be through the roof...they'd never sell anything abroad..

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Do you have guarantees for that? After all if we're not in the EU we have no input to decisions made there?


Assuming we and they obey International law then people that have already settled won't be kicked out.


Nothing wrong with producing our own stuff but it must be priced the same as imported goods surely..? Other wise the UK is going to be one expensive place to live..


Why must it, low paid slave labour in China can make everything we want at a cheaper price, how would we compete without lowing wages and working conditions.

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If I am honest the project fear of financial disaster has got me concerned but I keep going back to how Dave said he ruled nothing out. Now if he came out and openly admitted he had lied on that statement then maybe I would take notice of his dire predictions. As he will not do this because he would be branded a liar then I have to assume he is lying on his predictions instead.


David Cameron is not the only person making predictions....

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