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In-Out vote: Has anyone changed their mind since the campaign started?

EU. In or Out?  

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  1. 1. EU. In or Out?

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PeteMorris is correct, there's so much guesswork going on and there are many contradictions.


I saw Yanis Varoufakis on the Andrew Marr show last weekend. Regardless of what one thinks to his politics, he's an intelligent guy. He supports the position of the UK remaining in the EU. However, he also stated the Osbourne's economic forecasts/predictions were 'not worth the paper they were written on'.


I liked the quip on the show - 'if you laid all the economists in the world end to end they still wouldn't reach a conclusion'. :D


He's a clever man & very true. Osborne is spreading these figures around like it's set in stone. He hasn't got a forecast right yet!

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One of the problems is that the debate isn't split across party lines..if we vote "out" then how can we be sure that the "campaign promises" made by the exiters will be fulfilled? eg. how do we know the money they say we will save will be put to improving the public services rather than be used to lower the deficit etc.etc.


Surely that's a win-win, whatever happens to the money?


---------- Post added 07-06-2016 at 11:33 ----------


You are correct. Employment rights are slowly being eroded anyway.


---------- Post added 07-06-2016 at 10:11 ----------



What are the remain plans? You do realise Cameron might have to step aside anyway.


Yes of course I do, and that would just be an added bonus (for me)

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Surely that's a win-win, whatever happens to the money?


The exiters can't guarantee anything at all though..how much will people in Sheffield/Yorkshire get from it? Will the money be spent up here ( as a lot of the "EU" money is) or will it all go down south for pet projects there?

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It was reported on the BBC News website this morning that the US could suffer ''significant economic repercussions' and it would appear some scaremongering is now going on in the US regarding our referendum!! What i'd like to know is, how much of an inpact would leaving the EU really have on the rest of the world?


Most of my family and friends are in the remain camp and the majority of business partners / people i associate with are firmly sat in the Leave camp...


I'm still not swayed one way or the other..

Edited by Chelle-82
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It was reported on the BBC News website this morning that the US could suffer ''significant economic repercussions' and it would appear some scaremongering is now going on in the US regarding our referendum!! What i'd like to know is, how much of an inpact would leaving the EU really have on the rest of the world?


Most of my family and friends are in the remain camp and the majority of business partners / people i associate with are firmly sat in the Leave camp...


I'm still not swayed one way or the other..


Would you say the business community are firmly in the leave camp?

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Would you say the business community are firmly in the leave camp?


Yes the ones i work with are. That's Manufacturers who's main export business is to Australia, china, japan and Hong Kong and the other is construction of buildings within the UK and middle east..

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I have in the past been anti-EU, the principle of the EU being good.


I have now moved to be pro-EU, because if we are outside of the EU nothing will change.


The Conservatives promised to lower immigration, yet we have 160,000 immigrants from within the EU, and 160,000 from outside of the EU; they have done nothing.


So why would things be different outside the EU?


But nothing has changed inside the EU either? We don't have any 'real' influence as can be demonstrated by the 'deal' Cameron went to get, and came back with basically nothing.


If he had got a 'great' deal, why isn't he lauding it right now? It's been quietly forgotten.


---------- Post added 07-06-2016 at 11:52 ----------


The exiters can't guarantee anything at all though..how much will people in Sheffield/Yorkshire get from it? Will the money be spent up here ( as a lot of the "EU" money is) or will it all go down south for pet projects there?


No more than it is now...


The only guarantee staying will ensure, is 'carry on as normal'...

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No more than it is now...


The only guarantee staying will ensure, is 'carry on as normal'...


And the advantages of leaving are........?


I just don't see any good, costed argument coming out of the Brexit camp..

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Yes the ones i work with are. That's Manufacturers who's main export business is to Australia, china, japan and Hong Kong and the other is construction of buildings within the UK and middle east..


Found this too. Leave is business, older voters, one policy party voters, the hard right & A few dissilusioned left leaners.


Remainers fall into a few categories.


Young voters.


Neo liberals

Ex pats, worried about having to buy a visa or having pensions slashed.

Oh and big business like ryanair that rely on euro lobbying & low wage workforce

Edited by Tomjames
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