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In-Out vote: Has anyone changed their mind since the campaign started?

EU. In or Out?  

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  1. 1. EU. In or Out?

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Like the advice from everyone who recommended we join the Euro?..You mean those experts who said the world would fall apart if we didn't join?...


Zzzzz boring. 9/10 economists say Brexit is a bad idea.

So do a lot of others that didn't need to express an opinion on us joining the euro so you can't dismiss them so easily.

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More threats?....


Uncertainty. Does the boss of hitachi want to shrink the business & cut the workforce? can we replace these jobs?


Japanese investment to the UK directly provide 140'000 British jobs.

Edited by Tomjames
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Why should leave have a plan. After the vote the tories will go back to the Tory party,labour mps will go back to Labour Party etc. If they were going to be the govt then fair enough they should have a plan. But they are NOT going to be the govt so why should they have a plan, that's the job of the govt. even though Dave will deny it he should be formulating a plan and if not then he is not fit to run the country. The differing factions would have different ideas, I am sure even the Tory and labour brexiters could not agree on a plan because they have differing views on the uk, labour spend more than tories etc, their ideaology differs fundamentally. The only thing they agree on is Brexit.

Loob is hoping for a stay but is preparing for an out. That is what Dave should be preparing for and I am sure he is, last night he even admitted the uk would continue outside the Eu despite his dire predictions.

I am sure some people will be afraid and change to stay but the bloke on tv last night who voted Tory, worked since 16, has 3 kids sleeping in one room and cannot get a house or gp will continue to vote out, it's for people like him that I am still voting out.

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I've been OUT since day one, with my biggest reasons being: migration putting a strain on public services, and so many of our laws being made from Brussels.

I'm now starting to have second thoughts, with all these threats we keep getting from businesses about cutting jobs and moving overseas, and the threats from other EU countries about taxes on exports.


I'm also not entirely convinced the LEAVE camp have an actual plan for when we leave. If we leave and we still want free trade, the EU will probably still force us to accept free movement, and abolishing free movement is one of my two reasons for leaving in the first place.


I was convinced OUT is the only option.

I now can't deny we are heading for a fall-out from brexit. The question is how severe?


---------- Post added 08-06-2016 at 16:22 ----------




Here's the statement in full from Hitachi

Edited by Tomjames
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So, what "new business" do I -and the rest of the UK profession- replace that lost business with?



That's not really difficult to answer. Every obstacle that would be placed in the way of UK professionals doing business in Europe is the same obstacle that European professionals would have in their way when trying to do business here. So if that obstacle is too high for you to get over, it will be for them as well.


They will take EU business from you and you will take their UK business from them.


If the EU want to restrict the UK selling cars into Europe, the UK will restrict the sale of EU cars here. That will lose them rather more than it loses us. They sell twice as much to us as we sell to them.


Our business is supplying high end cars on lease. 70% of those cars come from Mercedes, BMW & Audi. If it becomes a problem our customers will manage fine with Aston Martin, Jaguar and Range Rovers. I'm sure those companies will enjoy the extra sales. Perhaps BMW will start making the big spanners in the Mini plant.

Edited by foxy lady
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That's where you're wrong. What other purpose is there to business than monetary gain? (I'm not talking about charities, although they're getting very corporatized these days)


We have that business now, we employ Sheffielders to help do it, we make a profit on it, we pay taxes to No.11 on it. I'm all for keeping it that way, if it weren't for the possibility of a Brexit.


Maybe you did not read or understand my earlier posts fully: Brexit for us means automatic loss of workload, i.e. business, i.e. activity, through automatic loss of right of audience at WIPO (for international designs) and the EUIPO (for EU trade marks and Community designs).


The business gets whipped away with Brexit, because losing the rights of audience at WIPO/EUIPO means we simply won't be authorised to file and prosecute applications there or interact with them anymore on behalf of UK/US/JP/etc. applicants.


The market will still be there, UK/US/JP/etc. applicants will still be wanting registered trade marks and designs in the EU. And ever more of them, going by annual filing stats. We'll just not be allowed to do it from the UK anymore. It's really just as simple as saying "They won't take our calls anymore".


But the Irish, Germans, French <etc.> will be able to continue doing that work just fine. It's them who will inherit that business for nowt and take UK/US/JP/etc. applicants' money to do that exact same work.


So if Brexit, I have no choice but to go set up shop on the Continent, make some staff redundant here, and employ people and pay tax there. As I've said before, I'd take the local staff with...but they don't have the quals or lingo, so that's that.


I don't expect it's any different for any other UK business looking to face substantial non-tariff barriers after a Brexit, whether imaginary ones (planned as corporate risk mitigation) or real ones (like for us).


With respect, I don't really know or understand exactly what your business is anyway...Nor am I going to pry and ask you for intimate details.


When I said you're not doing it for monetary gain (I obviously realise any business exists to 'make money')...What I meant was if you're going to lose money if Brexit happens, then you're going to 'have' to find a workaround, one way or another. Or pack up shop, which I'm pretty sure you wouldn't accept anyway.

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Why should leave have a plan. After the vote the tories will go back to the Tory party,labour mps will go back to Labour Party etc. If they were going to be the govt then fair enough they should have a plan. But they are NOT going to be the govt so why should they have a plan, that's the job of the govt. even though Dave will deny it he should be formulating a plan and if not then he is not fit to run the country. The differing factions would have different ideas, I am sure even the Tory and labour brexiters could not agree on a plan because they have differing views on the uk, labour spend more than tories etc, their ideaology differs fundamentally. The only thing they agree on is Brexit.

Loob is hoping for a stay but is preparing for an out. That is what Dave should be preparing for and I am sure he is, last night he even admitted the uk would continue outside the Eu despite his dire predictions.

I am sure some people will be afraid and change to stay but the bloke on tv last night who voted Tory, worked since 16, has 3 kids sleeping in one room and cannot get a house or gp will continue to vote out, it's for people like him that I am still voting out.


I know that Panz. Leave doesn't need a manifesto. Just a clear idea of what is most likely to happen. Do we do the Norway thing or mimic Albania(wtf??), will there certainly be free movement? They can't agree on what is most likely to happen. So they can bugger off as far as I'm concerned.

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Well Tom it's not called project fear for nothing.

Everybody, including hitachi, go on about changing Europe from within. Well if you think that's going to happen then you may be in for a shock. Even threatening to head the leave campaign got David virtually bugger all so what do you think he will get if we vote to stay.

Nobody can say, only guess, what a post Brexit uk will be because we are in uncharted waters.

Last night on the debate it was stated that Junkers has said we will be punished if we stay or if we go, Dave did not refute it, so if you are getting punished for staying then you may as well get punished whilst regaining control of your own destiny.

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I know that Panz. Leave doesn't need a manifesto. Just a clear idea of what is most likely to happen. Do we do the Norway thing or mimic Albania(wtf??), will there certainly be free movement? They can't agree on what is most likely to happen. So they can bugger off as far as I'm concerned.


What's most likely to happen if we remain.


Will we join the Euro?

Will the Euro even survive?

Will we keep the rebate?

Who else is joining?

Who's leaving?

Are they keeping CAP and CFP?

What additional competencies will be transferred to the EU?

How, in future, will authority be divided up between the council, commission and EU parliament?

Is there to be an elected executive?

What matters which currently require unanimity will change to QMV?

What new treaties are in the works and will be be party to them?

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Well Tom it's not called project fear for nothing.

Everybody, including hitachi, go on about changing Europe from within. Well if you think that's going to happen then you may be in for a shock. Even threatening to head the leave campaign got David virtually bugger all so what do you think he will get if we vote to stay.

Nobody can say, only guess, what a post Brexit uk will be because we are in uncharted waters.

Last night on the debate it was stated that Junkers has said we will be punished if we stay or if we go, Dave did not refute it, so if you are getting punished for staying then you may as well get punished whilst regaining control of your own destiny.


Where has Juncker said we will be punished if we stay or go??

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