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In-Out vote: Has anyone changed their mind since the campaign started?

EU. In or Out?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. EU. In or Out?

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so you want to block parts of democracy you don't like i.e some tory policies that may be implemented if they're in power by staying in the eu.


or do you think that the labour party is so weak now that it cant get elected anymore so the only way to thwart the tory policies is staying in the eu?


No, we want to stay because it's the sensible thing to do.


Here is a link showing how often we agree with the EU on new legislation.



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so you want to block parts of democracy you don't like i.e some tory policies that may be implemented if they're in power by staying in the eu.


or do you think that the labour party is so weak now that it cant get elected anymore so the only way to thwart the tory policies is staying in the eu?


I'm saying if brexit wins, boris is in power.

Labour won't win 2020, so we will have a conservative government until 2025.


Right or wrong?

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How much will we lose then?


Another 'nobody knows' from the Out camp I suspect. Fingers crossed eh?


Some people will lose out financially, some people will gain financially, for most it won't make any difference at all, everything beyond that is guesswork.


The in camp just think they know but that's because they are deluded.


---------- Post added 11-06-2016 at 13:21 ----------


so you want to block parts of democracy you don't like i.e some tory policies that may be implemented if they're in power by staying in the eu.


or do you think that the labour party is so weak now that it cant get elected anymore so the only way to thwart the tory policies is staying in the eu?


That about sums it up for some people.

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Some people will lose out financially, some people will gain financially, for most it won't make any difference at all, everything beyond that is guesswork.


The in camp just think they know but that's because they are deluded.


---------- Post added 11-06-2016 at 13:21 ----------



That about sums it up for some people.


Haha, deluded. That's the comeback of a Brexiter to the overwhelming advice we have been given to remain from people across business, economics, security, science, trade unions, environmental groups etc etc.


Take your head out of the sand and read what actual experts from across a massive spectrum are saying.

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Haha, deluded. That's the comeback of a Brexiter to the overwhelming advice we have been given to remain from people across business, economics, security, science, trade unions, environmental groups etc etc.


Take your head out of the sand and read what actual experts from across a massive spectrum are saying.


You are the one that thinks they know the future, I have no idea what the future holds whether we stay in or leave, that make you the delusional one.

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You are the one that thinks they know the future, I have no idea what the future holds whether we stay in or leave, that make you the delusional one.


Did I not say above I have no idea what the future holds? I trust the opinion of a broad group of experts from a variety of fields. The consensus is huge.


Do you know what delusional means?

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Tom sorry to lose your vote.

If for 1 second I thought you could change the eu monolith from within I would say you are right but you have no chance of that happening.

When Cameron went with his strongest bargaining chip ever ie we will leave they gave him bugger all.

Not joining the euro, was never any chance of that.

No closer union, as we are not in the euro they were giving us something which was already on the cards.

Benefits sliding scale ( emergency brake ), full access to benefits after 4 years. Strange as Cameron has never said where the scale starts, do you think year 1 they are on 0% then year 4 100%. Lay you a pound to a pinch of horse crap that year 1 will be 80%, year 2 85, year 3 95 and year 4 99%.

I console myself that I have more chance of meeting a unicorn than a remainer in the flesh. Everyone I speak to is out with a couple of undecided, I only see remainers on tv and sf so think we will walk this now that Cameron can no longer use govt depts to do his dirty work.

There will be a dip when carney releases his report and the IMF but still think we will win.

As for losing jobs Cameron lectured jaguar workers this week to stay in, same firm that is building a new jaguar plant in Slovakia with eu grants. Ironic is it not, jaguar workers are paying taxes which go eu which send them to Slovakia to build a factory that will put the uk jaguar workers out of a job. You could not make it up.

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Did I not say above I have no idea what the future holds? I trust the opinion of a broad group of experts from a variety of fields. The consensus is huge.


So you trust people that have been shown to be liars, shown to be wrong on many occasions and shown to be vested interests, what's good for them isn't necessarily good for you and the consensus isn't huge.

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Tom sorry to lose your vote.

If for 1 second I thought you could change the eu monolith from within I would say you are right but you have no chance of that happening.

When Cameron went with his strongest bargaining chip ever ie we will leave they gave him bugger all.

Not joining the euro, was never any chance of that.

No closer union, as we are not in the euro they were giving us something which was already on the cards.

Benefits sliding scale ( emergency brake ), full access to benefits after 4 years. Strange as Cameron has never said where the scale starts, do you think year 1 they are on 0% then year 4 100%. Lay you a pound to a pinch of horse crap that year 1 will be 80%, year 2 85, year 3 95 and year 4 99%.

I console myself that I have more chance of meeting a unicorn than a remainer in the flesh. Everyone I speak to is out with a couple of undecided, I only see remainers on tv and sf so think we will walk this now that Cameron can no longer use govt depts to do his dirty work.

There will be a dip when carney releases his report and the IMF but still think we will win.

As for losing jobs Cameron lectured jaguar workers this week to stay in, same firm that is building a new jaguar plant in Slovakia with eu grants. Ironic is it not, jaguar workers are paying taxes which go eu which send them to Slovakia to build a factory that will put the uk jaguar workers out of a job. You could not make it up.


Again Jaguar is investing £1bn here and creating jobs here. Educate yourself rather than spouting rubbish.




---------- Post added 11-06-2016 at 14:58 ----------


So you trust people that have been shown to be liars, shown to be wrong on many occasions and shown to be vested interests, what's good for them isn't necessarily good for you and the consensus isn't huge.


The consensus across a huge spectrum of concerned bodies is massive.


I trust them more than keyboard warriors like you buddy.

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