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In-Out vote: Has anyone changed their mind since the campaign started?

EU. In or Out?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. EU. In or Out?

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I believe they all left the country because of UK Government policy, not EU rules, or maybe it was the weather. ;)


I thought that Beckham left the country because he'd have struggled with the commute from the UK to Madrid and then LA?

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I'm IN, simple as that. I don't believe in all the negative scaremongering going on on either side. Life is more mundane than people would lead us to believe. I see the point on both sides, but personally I feel European and I want to be European.


Yep id agree with that.


A move away from the EU just seems like a step backwards in an increasingly global world.


The scaremongering is farcical and really ruining the debate in my view.


Id also say a lot of people are blind if they fail the see the huge amounts of funding the EU has brought to this area through Objective 1 and over various pots over time and need to ask themselves if London would have been so generous? I for one think not.

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It is amusing watching supposedly "left" people here and elsewhere telling us we should vote remain because all these very rich people say so.


Because it's preferable to supporting a side that contains ISIS, Putin, Farage, Britain First & Boris Johnson.



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Yes, much better to listen to paupers such as Boris, Nigel and IDS


This from Facebook sums it up nicely:


And the working people of Britain rose up in revolution against the Elites.


"Who leads this revolution?" asked the elites.


"Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson!" Cried the people.

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I'm IN, simple as that. I don't believe in all the negative scaremongering going on on either side. Life is more mundane than people would lead us to believe. I see the point on both sides, but personally I feel European and I want to be European.


I want to be European too tbh. I want us to make an extra effort to integrate ourselves with the rest of europe post referendum with an abundance mentality. Working abroad, languages, welcoming other nations citizens and fixing problems with pooled solutions.


The Uk can become a european beacon not broken Britain.

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I want to be European too tbh. I want us to make an extra effort to integrate ourselves with the rest of europe post referendum with an abundance mentality. Working abroad, languages, welcoming other nations citizens and fixing problems with pooled solutions.


The Uk can become a european beacon not broken Britain.


I couldn't agree more. I see our membership of the EU like an unused Gym membership. If you don't go to the gym all you see is the money going out of your account and no results.

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