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Mike Ashley believeable or not

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No, you can't make the kind of money he has and claim to be totally oblivious to the working conditions within his own company.


He knew full well what was going on.


Unfortunately, the further up the pecking order someone is doesn't necessarily make them automatically aware of what's going on.

He admitted to the select committee that SD paid below the minimum wage. Given that is a criminal offence, I fully expect an investigation and prosecution if found guilty.

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True, but the rules of the warehouse were really quite specific and had been in the press before.


This can't be the first time he's heard about them, and no-one is in a better position to have them immediately changed.

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Unfortunately, the further up the pecking order someone is doesn't necessarily make them automatically aware of what's going on.

He admitted to the select committee that SD paid below the minimum wage. Given that is a criminal offence, I fully expect an investigation and prosecution if found guilty.


I'd agree with that. Didn't know, didn't care until it started to affect his back pocket.

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When you've been found acting is such a disgraceful manner, what other choice have you got then acting humbly to in an attempt at mitigating any punishment?


It would have been a lot more believable if he'd made the changes of his own back, without doing his best to avoid facing the music.

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Not sure why it bothers some people, as a country we appear to be happy to import cheap stuff made by exploited workers all over the world, but when the workers are exploited here it is somehow worth complaining about.

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Not sure why it bothers some people, as a country we appear to be happy to import cheap stuff made by exploited workers all over the world, but when the workers are exploited here it is somehow worth complaining about.


It's Ashley's company flagrant disregard for our laws that is the issue.

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When you've been found acting is such a disgraceful manner, what other choice have you got then acting humbly to in an attempt at mitigating any punishment?

It would have been a lot more believable if he'd made the changes of his own back, without doing his best to avoid facing the music.


Yes a bit like when Rupert Murdoch said "this is the humbling day of my life" when he appeared before the select committee investigating how his newspapers hacked into people's phones. He sounded so sincere when he said that....

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