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Mike Ashley believeable or not

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Yep by demanding cheap goods, when we import cheap stuff from abroad you can guarantee that workers don't have the same rights, protection and wages that workers in the UK would get.


The whole point of this thread is that the workers in the UK was not getting the protection that UK law gives them.

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The whole point of this thread is that the workers in the UK was not getting the protection that UK law gives them.


But why are they more important than workers in other countries, if you are happy to buy something that is made in China then workers rights, pay and conditions can't be that important to you.

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Not sure why it bothers some people, as a country we appear to be happy to import cheap stuff made by exploited workers all over the world, but when the workers are exploited here it is somehow worth complaining about.


Because, rightly or wrongly, people feel more viscerally when things happen closer to home. The workers at the SD Warehouses in Shirebrook isn't that far from Sheffield. People on here may have family members who work there, and can give 1st hand experience.

It's also a reference point as, many people have pointed out, his company, an incredibly wealthy one, have broken the law, and engaged in business practices that shouldn't belong in a rich country like ours in the 21st century. It's the contrast that makes it stick out like a sore thumb.

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Because, rightly or wrongly, people feel more viscerally when things happen closer to home. The workers at the SD Warehouses in Shirebrook isn't that far from Sheffield. People on here may have family members who work there, and can give 1st hand experience.

It's also a reference point as, many people have pointed out, his company have broken the law, and engaged in business practices that shouldn't belong in a rich country like ours in the 21st century.


But it doesn't appear to matter if a rich country like ours imports stuff from countries that treat their workers much worse, it doesn't appear to matter that people in other countries have to do without a doctor as long as we have plenty, it doesn't matter if other people are starving as long as we have plenty.

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But it doesn't appear to matter if a rich country like ours imports stuff from countries that treat their workers much worse, it doesn't appear to matter that people in other countries have to do without a doctor as long as we have plenty, it doesn't matter if other people are starving as long as we have plenty.


Yes, quite right. But all of that doesn't negate what Mike Ashley does, his wealth, how he became wealthy and how his workers are treated.

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Don't like the man he has very low ethics and exploits the law wherever he can.


Only positive he appeared to answer the questions MP's gave him pretty directly unlike others.


Sadly we are in a situation where unless the law is being broken employers like him will exploit it as much as they can get away with as unions thees days have so little power.


His abuse of 0 hour contracts is a good example of this and why we need clear laws that stop the abuse of this type of contract.


The problem is make the laws to strict and companys simple move as much as possible abroad.


No easy answers.


Personally I think the whole culture of buying loads of clothes cheaply from the likes of Sports Direct and Primark which are usually made in countries that exploit cheap labour, and wearing them a couple of times is partly to blame,would much rather buy a quality item and pay more and keep it many years,sadly it seems I am in the minority.

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Its ironic that Mike Ashley proclaims that he's not Father Christmas when paying his staff decent wages and adopting better working conditions, when his employment practices remind me of a Dickensian Mr Bumble in a Christmas carol.

Edited by smartya
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Yes, quite right. But all of that doesn't negate what Mike Ashley does, his wealth, how he became wealthy and how his workers are treated.


No it doesn't, but as a nation it clearly doesn't bother us because we are happy to import from countries that treat worker much worse. What we clearly want is cheap stuff and how we get it appears to be unimportant, the same thing is happening on our farms, the exploitation of cheap labour from abroad.

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