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Mike Ashley believeable or not

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Unfortunately we can't police the rest of the world in regards their working practices, however, here in the UK we can and we expect our workforce to be paid a living wage and not be exploited.


The last interview I saw on the news was that farm labourers were on £10 an hour. Not exactly cheap labour


We can not import from countries that treat their workers badly.


Nice if it was true.


The exploitation of migrants workers used to undercut British workers is very wide spread.


Here just one of the many examples.



Eastern European migrants employed in the Fens to pick leeks sold in supermarkets are trapped in a widespread network of exploitation, the BBC has discovered.

Edited by sutty27
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He came across as a genuine guy. There seems to be a problem with thieves in his warehouse, hence the security checks.


When I used to drive for sd security would always be retrieving bin liners full of clothes thrown over the fences

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As Mike Ashley said to the Select Committee yesterday:


“I like to think I am kind to the right people.”


Given that Yet there had been 110 ambulance call-outs to his main warehouse site in just over three years as workers suffered chest pains, stroke, injury, and five births or miscarriages – including one woman delivering her baby in the toilet – such was the fear, according to the union, of losing your job if you took time off under Ashley’s six-strikes-and-you’re-out regime. Obviously his employees at his warehouse are not the right people.

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The whole point of this thread is that the workers in the UK was not getting the protection that UK law gives them.


Did anyone point a gun in the workers head? If the staff don't like it there is always the dole,

Finding staff being late is a great idea to let the staff know you can't be late for work, it is respectful to be 10 minutes early. I am always 20minutes early so I can relax and have a cup of tea , getting my mind into doing the best I can for the company

Third world country , if you don't work you will stave homeless,but in uk we have government paying our rent and get enough money to have a decent level of living.

End of day no one point a gun at the people who was not well and force them to come to work. Most likely are the staff are so dumb they can't afford a day off as they need money to pay off their wonga loans

Edited by Michaeldyn
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No one is forced to work for his company. Every employee is free to leave when ever they want .


No one was forced to sign a zero hours contract with his company. it was entriely their decision.


Are you really this dense, or is it all just an act?


If you're happy for SD to pay their staff peanuts, then you'll also acknowledge that nobody will want to work for them except Eastern Europeans willing to work for peanuts.


SD need plenty of cheap immigrant labour to work in their warehouses. The same cheap immigrant labour you don't want to enter the country.


So what do you prefer? Either SD to pay their staff a living wage, or SD to continue mass immigration of unskilled labour?

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When I used to drive for sd security would always be retrieving bin liners full of clothes thrown over the fences

That does not surprise me. It has been known for workers in warehouses to have shopping lists for stolen goods.

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That does not surprise me. It has been known for workers in warehouses to have shopping lists for stolen goods.


Not that I condone theft, but if the workers are treated like ****, the employers can't be too surprised that some of their staff are light fingered.


---------- Post added 08-06-2016 at 21:16 ----------


Did anyone point a gun in the workers head? If the staff don't like it there is always the dole,

Finding staff being late is a great idea to let the staff know you can't be late for work, it is respectful to be 10 minutes early. I am always 20minutes early so I can relax and have a cup of tea , getting my mind into doing the best I can for the company

Third world country , if you don't work you will stave homeless,but in uk we have government paying our rent and get enough money to have a decent level of living.

End of day no one point a gun at the people who was not well and force them to come to work. Most likely are the staff are so dumb they can't afford a day off as they need money to pay off their wonga loans


Rancid post.

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Not that I condone theft, but if the workers are treated like ****, the employers can't be too surprised that some of their staff are light fingered.


I've paid most of my staff decent wages over the years, and still they'll steal. Not all of them obviously, and not so much that we have to search them as they leave, but some do.

It must have been so bad if he's had to search them.

He presumeably paid them the minimum wage. Required by law. They started stealing from him. He decided to search them which delayed them by 15 minutes a day sometimes. This TECHNICALITY them took them under minimum wage because they were deemed to be working whilst being stopped from stealing.


Theft is theft. To try to blame the boss for his theiving staff would be laughable, if you weren't serious.


---------- Post added 08-06-2016 at 21:24 ----------


A member of his staff had a baby in the toilet? And that's his fault? Nuts.

A member of his staff had a stroke? Thats his fault too? More nuts.

Women had miscarriages? How is that his fault? My wife had one at home, is that somehow my fault? Nuts.

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I've paid most of my staff decent wages over the years, and still they'll steal. Not all of them obviously, and not so much that we have to search them as they leave, but some do.

It must have been so bad if he's had to search them.

He presumeably paid them the minimum wage. Required by law. They started stealing from him. He decided to search them which delayed them by 15 minutes a day sometimes. This TECHNICALITY them took them under minimum wage because they were deemed to be working whilst being stopped from stealing.


Theft is theft. To try to blame the boss for his theiving staff would be laughable, if you weren't serious.


Could you imagine the outrage if they clamped down on public sector theft, all those boxes of disposable gloves, pens, paper-clips ect. must add up to millions.

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