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Who do UKIP represent?

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A lot, possibly most, migrants that come here to do certain jobs, such as seasonal fruit picking etc, are short stayers; they come here for a limited time to earn what to them is really good money, it goes a long way in eastern europe.


Most British people however are stuck here, where the wage for that type of work doesn't go far for them at all.


This is why migrants "do the jobs British people won't do".


To brand British people as feckless and lazy compared to migrants is an over simplification of the situation.


yeah, but that doesn't really solve the problem of who will do the work if we stop migrants coming in.


increasing wages is one solution but that would raise prices and makes it harder for local produce to compete against imports though the collapse in sterling will have helped a bit there.


if you dont increase wages then i can only see some form of compulsion in the form of dss benefit sanctions if you dont take these jobs.


i understand from the media that migrant workers form a high proportion of care workers, there are budgetary constraints which make it hard to increase fees enough to cover higher wages and i really can't see forcing people to be carers for old and vulnerable people when they don't want to be ending well

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yeah, but that doesn't really solve the problem of who will do the work if we stop migrants coming in.


increasing wages is one solution but that would raise prices and makes it harder for local produce to compete against imports though the collapse in sterling will have helped a bit there.


if you dont increase wages then i can only see some form of compulsion in the form of dss benefit sanctions if you dont take these jobs.


i understand from the media that migrant workers form a high proportion of care workers, there are budgetary constraints which make it hard to increase fees enough to cover higher wages and i really can't see forcing people to be carers for old and vulnerable people when they don't want to be ending well


no one has said stop migrants

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