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Who do UKIP represent?

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I thought they deliberately chose questions designed to challenge him.

But then they did the same thing to the PM, so fair's fair.


Totally agree. And DC looked more nervous. At least that's how I interpreted his word fluffing and water drinking.

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Totally agree. And DC looked more nervous. At least that's how I interpreted his word fluffing and water drinking.


I thought so as well.


Farage did not impress anything like the way Gove did, but he did okay.

I'm not fond of him, but he's moved the debate on this matter, and that's impressive.

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I thought so as well.


Farage did not impress anything like the way Gove did, but he did okay.

I'm not fond of him, but he's moved the debate on this matter, and that's impressive.


Why do you like Gove so much? Wasn't he a widely derided (by those in the profession) education secretary?


It's not without plausibility he's latched onto Leave to ride the coat tails of BoJo into number 10 and a cushy cabinet job post-Brexit for himself.


I'm such a cynic....

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Why do you like Gove so much? Wasn't he a widely derided (by those in the profession) education secretary?


It's not without plausibility he's latched onto Leave to ride the coat tails of BoJo into number 10 and a cushy cabinet job post-Brexit for himself.


I'm such a cynic....



If you're not upsetting the teachers as Education Secretary, you're not trying hard enough.

I thought the EBac was an idea very long overdue, and from what I could tell it was motivated by that fact that he felt strongly that the education system was letting down kinds from poor backgrounds by its low expectations.

He's come up with a rather progressive plan for Justice too.


He just always seems to believe in what he's saying and doing. That's a rare thing. Add that to the fact that he's a very smart chap and you have a hell of a combination.

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DC was talking about this last night on the Q&A. He was able to answer it properly unlike Farage who first had to defend accusations of blatant scaremongering racism. Worrying, that before you answer a question you first have to try and prove you aren't using scaremongering and racism....


Anything proved? I could accuse you of racism or any other ism, it wouldn't mean it was true, you'd have to defend it whether you like it or not, are you saying he shouldn't defend himself, or are you just scaremongering?

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Anything proved? I could accuse you of racism or any other ism, it wouldn't mean it was true, you'd have to defend it whether you like it or not, are you saying he shouldn't defend himself, or are you just scaremongering?


Did you read what I wrote properly? I said its worrying that before he was able to answer the question he had to defend himself. Because he'd said something that was widely interpreted as scaremongering and racist. Even the Archbishop of Cantebury had a pop at him for it. It simply does him no favours.


When DC was asked about immigration did he first have to say I'm not a racist but.....? Nope.

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He just always seems to believe in what he's saying and doing. That's a rare thing. Add that to the fact that he's a very smart chap and you have a hell of a combination.


I have heard a similar description of him, although his degree is not first rate, but the fact he has got a degree means he is academic.


He talks with conviction, that does not make his policies any better.

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I have heard a similar description of him, although his degree is not first rate, but the fact he has got a degree means he is academic.


He talks with conviction, that does not make his policies any better.


Studied English and went into Journalism before switching to politics.

So not one of those PPE -> flunky -> MP types.

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Seeded with folk? I think it's just difficult to get any cross section of the UK population that doesn't think he's daft.


Telling a perfectly calm woman to calm down made him look rather foolish too. Or foolisher than normal.


Its difficult to get a cross section if you go out of your way to plant chippy racists in the audience and let them ask the question. As was the case here.



Edited by Quik
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