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Who do UKIP represent?

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I consider myself upper working class or lower middle class, educated to O level standard, apprenticeship and educated up to Higher Technical Certificate in electrical engineering.

I read the UKIP manifesto and labour/liberal. Liberal too wishy washy, labour I just saw the same spend spend mentality so voted UKIP.

So they represent me at this time as I was one of the 4 million that voted for them although my local candidate did not get in. The labour candidate got in

But she does not represent me as I did not vote for her or her party although she represents my local area.

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I consider myself upper working class or lower middle class, educated to O level standard, apprenticeship and educated up to Higher Technical Certificate in electrical engineering.

I read the UKIP manifesto and labour/liberal. Liberal too wishy washy, labour I just saw the same spend spend mentality so voted UKIP.

So they represent me at this time as I was one of the 4 million that voted for them although my local candidate did not get in. The labour candidate got in

But she does not represent me as I did not vote for her or her party although she represents my local area.


Which UKIP manifesto? The one Nigel Farage described as 'drivel?' Or the one after?

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I read the UKIP manifesto and labour/liberal. Liberal too wishy washy, labour I just saw the same spend spend mentality so voted UKIP.


interesting post, thank you.


what ideas in the kippers manifesto appeal to a member of the upper working class / lower middle class like you and I ?


You've said what's bad about the other party manifestos, but what's so convincing about the kippers manifesto?


I'm of a similar background to you, but I have historically voted for the most extreme-left candidate because I want to properly fund the NHS, bring back free university education and bring down the Tory party.


Why should I vote kipper this time ?

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Joker wish I could do that link thing. You can still view the manifesto from the GE on line. They were going to give more money to nhs, to increase spending on defence etc. Basically they were probably appealing more to unhappy tories than labour but it appealed to my values so I voted for them.

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Joker wish I could do that link thing. You can still view the manifesto from the GE on line. They were going to give more money to nhs, to increase spending on defence etc. Basically they were probably appealing more to unhappy tories than labour but it appealed to my values so I voted for them.


Thanks panzer, I suppose that's the enchantment of an eloquent demagogue like Our Nige'.


Kipper policies appeal to salt-of-the-earth, hard working, working class folk like you and I who are happy to kill other people (I'm all for increased military spending, if it means bigger and more exciting nukes) and at the same time we're still happy to save other people, because we all love our NHS, don't we.


Did Our Nige' say how he was going to fund these two necessary roles of being the Angel of Death and the Angel of Mercy simultaneously? Because from what I've been reading on the Brexit thread, the Out campaigners now admit that leaving the EU won't 't automatically mean Our Nige' will pour that £350million a week into the NHS.


In fact, I rather think that Our Nige' hates the NHS with a passion. Didn't Our Nige' lost a testicle to cancer or something when he was a young man? Apparently it was all the NHS consultants fault, because the consultant was thinking about a game of golf instead of looking after his patients or something.

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