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Withdrawing from tax credits

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I had to do the exact same rigmarole with them,


'your entitled to £x per year'

'really that seems a lot?'

'no that's correct'

'are you sure?'

-submits figures again, checks for third time-

'oh, ok then thanks'




'we've overpaid you by £x, please can we have it back?'

'Eh? we checked with you multiple times if it was right and you wouldn't tell us how you worked it out,assured us it was correct'

'ah well its not'

'how do you know? how did you work it out?'

'Ah, we can't tell you, but you now owe us £x'

'well that's your fault, bye'


I'm sure that has happened to thousands of people not just me, it's daft.

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