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What are you eating - Help


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After a bout of food poisening at a restaurant that had already been reported to the health authorities I asked Sheffield Council to give me a report on about 850 eating places in Sheffield. They refused, I asked again, they were patronising and dismissive. They said my request for the information to post on the internet was unreasonable so they sent me one report.


Why can't we see the restaurants that are poisening us. If we stop using them they will have to clean their acts up. It is fine for the T**t of a civil servant who only dines out at the best restaurants but what about everyone else.


Under the law they have to provide a report for each reasonable request. I want to get 400 sheffield forumers to request reports on the addresses I give them. Then I will put them all together on the web.


Let us see if 400 little people can really make a difference. Please post here or PM me.

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What rights do the public actually have, to request info in general about places that have been reported? Convicted?


Under the freedom of information act we have the right to ALL the information that the council hold. A similar thing was done in New York and the only impact it had was to raise the standard of food preparation in all restaurants.


I will PM 2 addresses and a copy of an email along with the address to send it to. When you get the email reply, send a copy to me and I will post it on the web. Before I do I will post a letter to every restaurant that has a report to let them know 1 month in advance before we post their report. This way they have a chance to get a new report or prepare a reply to the one being posted.


I hope to get the details by the end of May to post by the end of june. At the very least we will get some free publicity for sheffield forum. It won't cost anything as it is all done by email.

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