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Will the Queen abdicate?

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When Charles married Camilla I though when he became King she would take the tittle of Princess Consort, however I think she will automatically become queen unless parliament intervines.


I think Charles will make good King. A lot of things Charles use to say in the past he was laughed at now a lot of people respect his views on various topics and realise he was not always wrong.

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When Charles married Camilla I though when he became King she would take the tittle of Princess Consort, however I think she will automatically become queen unless parliament intervines.


I think Charles will make good King. A lot of things Charles use to say in the past he was laughed at now a lot of people respect his views on various topics and realise he was not always wrong.


Well. I suppose somebody has to think so. I remain of the view that he is the arch-muppet.

The real danger is that he may interfere in politics. The Queen remains reliably absent from the political debate. Will King Charles. There will be trouble if he doesn't.

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Are you referring to Camilla perchance ? Yes - if Charles chooses to become king then Camilla will be his queen.


i have never forgiven Charles for cheating on Diana, one of the most beautiful women in the world, with someone who looks like a horse.


Apparently, Charles was cheating on Diana with Horsey McHorseface, even before Charles and Di married :gag:

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Oh yeah.


Diana, the sloney tart milking the faux persona of the queen of hearts.


They were both unhappy in that Marraige. They were both looking over each others shoulder giving eying up someone else. The blame certainly cannot lie solely with Charles and Camilla.


The woman was full of issues and was a huge miniplultor of the media and public.


Never fell for Diana people's princess poppycock then. Never will now.


Whilst I would never wish the tragic circumstances of her death on anyone, the whole hysterics that followed was just ludicrous.

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if Charles is king, does horseface become queen?


If so, long live queen Liz !


The Queen's mother wasn't the Queen,(despite her title) she was the King's consort a.la Charles' wife should it happen.

Edited by stpetre
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The Queen's mother wasn't the Queen, she was the King's consort a.la Charles' wife should it happen.


There's 2 types of Queen. One who is a monarch and one who is the wife of a monarch.

I would argue that we should reform the system to call the king's wife the princess consort except that I think we should be a republic.

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If it left up to her its very unlikely.

It has been reported that she believes that she was put on the throne by God.


I don't believe that do you?

Is this accepted by the high ups in the Church of England?


The church and the monarchy operate hand in hand and the Queen is the head of the Church of England.


Does anyone know the correct religious thinking on this.


"Correct" & "Religious Thinking" are mutually exclusive terms, which should NEVER be used in the same sentence!

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She stated a few years ago when asked if she would abdicate that she felt the job was for life.


Add that to the fact would you really want Charles as King and Camila as queen and I think you may have your answer. I cannot respect someone who has cheated openly and then hopes or will become King, no sorry it doesn't work for me, he's supposed to lead by example!


Ideally the law needs to change and thus bypass Charles and go straight to William


Whereas William and Katie are switched on and very popular with both young and old I personally think it would be good for the country as a whole to have them as our next King and queen but that's just my opinion :)

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I think Charles was a victim, I don't believe that he loved Diana but he was told to marry her by the establishment. There was limitations finding a woman who did not have a past, as was expected at that time, also I do not think he would have been allowed to marry someone without a title.


Who would have thought that in such a short time William would have been allowed to marry a so called commener, I am not sure if Kate was a virgin when he married her, but even if she wasn't I still think he would have been allowed to marry her.


Charles did make sure his sons had a different upbringing to his and I do not think he has done a bad job. Diana is not my favourite person but she also kept her sons feet firmly on the ground when she was alive, I do believe for all of her faults she was a good mother. However I do believe she wanted to destroy the monarchy, but this of course is only my opinion.

Edited by hauxwell
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I think Charles was a victim, I don't believe that he loved Diana but he was told to marry her by the establishment. There was limitations finding a woman who did not have a past, as was expected at that time, also I do not think he would have been allowed to marry someone without a title.


Who would have thought that in such a short time William would have been allowed to marry a so called commener, I am not sure if Kate was a virgin when he married her, but even if she wasn't I still think he would have been allowed to marry her.


Charles did make sure his sons had a different upbringing to his and I do not think he has done a bad job. Diana is not my favourite person but she also kept her sons feet firmly on the ground when she was alive, I do believe for all of her faults she was a good mother. However I do believe she wanted to destroy the monarchy.


I think there is a lot of truth in what you're saying.

I think the establishment is emotionally very cold. Diana was brought in as a brood mare, and whatever her faults, I got the impression that she was quite a sensitive, needy person - and someone, when she was very young was quite easy to manipulate.

In some ways I find it easier to respect the Queen, than I like her.

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