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Will the Queen abdicate?

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Cupboard full of black ties I hope after the Queen Mother Death Purple Tie Debacle...


I forgot about the suits and dresses. They must have been chosen, ironed, hung and ready to wear in a secret wardrobe somewhere in the BBC.

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The BBC and other broadcasters must have a rock solid plan in place on how they're going to announce the Queen's death. All the presenters, script and the video clips must be up and ready to go.


Of course they will. Morbid as it may sound - Its nothing new at all.


Newspapers and Media Organisations start compiling footage, press clippings, photographs and quotes and store them in files for months/years just ready and waiting for the day when someone dies.


Its not just the royals either. They will do the same with any major public figure.


Why else do people think they can get these tribute shows/tribute special publications and news reports out within 24/48 hours after death of someone is announced.


Its all made earlier just waiting to be quickly edited together and churned out.

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The BBC and other broadcasters must have a rock solid plan in place on how they're going to announce the Queen's death. All the presenters, script and the video clips must be up and ready to go.


If the death of Ali has anything to do with it you will get nothing sensible out the BBC for weeks

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If the death of Ali has anything to do with it you will get nothing sensible out the BBC for weeks


Sometimes even 'the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry'. For example who could forget the BBCs error when Margaret Thatcher died?



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Sometimes even 'the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry'. For example who could forget the BBCs error when Margaret Thatcher died?




Haha..Freudian slip or deliberate mischief making masquerading as a Freudian slip?


Or a simple typo?

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Cupboard full of black ties I hope after the Queen Mother Death Purple Tie Debacle...


---------- Post added 12-06-2016 at 13:23 ----------



The Queen is religious? Big deal. She's head of state of a secular country.


Kaka used to celebrate goals with a I Belong to Jesus tee. I bet he thinks God put him on earth to play football.


There, I shot the elephant. Anyone need piano keys?



I guess we are all in agreement.

It's not a God given right and she happens to be the descendant of the person with the best gang in 1066

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Cupboard full of black ties I hope after the Queen Mother Death Purple Tie Debacle...


---------- Post added 12-06-2016 at 13:23 ----------



The Queen is religious? Big deal. She's head of state of a secular country.

Kaka used to celebrate goals with a I Belong to Jesus tee. I bet he thinks God put him on earth to play football.


There, I shot the elephant. Anyone need piano keys?


Actually Britain is not a secular country.

The Queen is not only head of state, but Supreme head of the Church of England, the official religion of UK. As such,the supreme head of the Church, trumps head of state. Something Henry V111 was very keen to point out. Most government institutions, 'the Establishment,' have the 'God clause' written into their official constitution, heraldic coat of arms etc. and therefore everything they do is supposedly with 'God's blessing.'


Just because we don't pay it much attention doesn't mean it isn't there.


As for the Queen abdicating, she constitutionally isn't allowed to do it, even if she wanted to. And believing as she does, that she was put there by God, means she wouldn't dream of challenging the constitution. Charles however has said that he wants to challenge the constitution to become 'Head of Faiths' (rather than Head of the Faith.) This will mean the constitution will have to be rewritten. The implications may well cause quite a few headaches.

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Actually Britain is not a secular country.

The Queen is not only head of state, but Supreme head of the Church of England, the official religion of UK. As such,the supreme head of the Church, trumps head of state. Something Henry V111 was very keen to point out. Most government institutions, 'the Establishment,' have the 'God clause' written into their official constitution, heraldic coat of arms etc. and therefore everything they do is supposedly with 'God's blessing.'


Just because we don't pay it much attention doesn't mean it isn't there.


As for the Queen abdicating, she constitutionally isn't allowed to do it, even if she wanted to. And believing as she does, that she was put there by God, means she wouldn't dream of challenging the constitution. Charles however has said that he wants to challenge the constitution to become 'Head of Faiths' (rather than Head of the Faith.) This will mean the constitution will have to be rewritten. The implications may well cause quite a few headaches.


What "constitution" is this?


We haven't got a constitution in the UK.


And didn't Edward VIII abdicate back in 1936?

Edited by Longcol
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I guess we are all in agreement.

It's not a God given right and she happens to be the descendant of the person with the best gang in 1066


Back in 1066 it was believed that God decided the outcome of battles, and therefore was on the winning team, and in effect 'put' the King on the throne.

It has suited Monarchs ever since to hype this up to the max to give them added legitimacy. It is included in the Coronation Ceremony, and is considered the most important and sacred part of all, when the Monarch is anointed by God, through the offices of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Even more important than the actual crowning.


I didn't say I agree with it, but isn't British History wonderful!


---------- Post added 12-06-2016 at 21:25 ----------


What "constitution" is this?


We haven't got a constitution in the UK.


And didn't Edward VIII abdicate back in 1936?


The Queen has her own constitutional laws which apply to the monarch and their progeny. Not to be confused with a bill of rights constitution like the Americans have.


Yes Edward VIII did abdicate. It was a HUGE constitutional crisis at the time, and could easily have brought down the entire monarchy and nearly did. He was shunned by the Royal Family ever after.


The Constitution was also altered recently to allow the first child of the Prince of Wales to inherit the Crown rather than the first Male child. Fortunately the Duchesss of Cambridge gave birth to a male child anyway so it was never tested, nevertheless it has still caused ructions in the aristocracy who have seen whole bloodlines wiped out for lack of a male child to inherit a title.

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