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Will the Queen abdicate?

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All those medals on show.....what on earth did they do in the field of battle to deserve all that silverware? My Grandad single handedly destroyed a German machine gun post under fire but all he got was a DCM......they must have really been heroes to get those chest fulls of medals. Gor Bless Um!

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All those medals on show.....what on earth did they do in the field of battle to deserve all that silverware? My Grandad single handedly destroyed a German machine gun post under fire but all he got was a DCM......they must have really been heroes to get those chest fulls of medals. Gor Bless Um!


My Grandfather died before I was born. He was at Ypres and got a Military Cross I believe. Someone in the family swiped it. Dockyard Doris was in the Marines for two weeks. How long will people keep buying this dross?

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Our Queen seems to be more bored with people wishing her an happy birthday than her role as our monarch. No hint of any abdication today.


God, wouldn't you be, having to sit through that dismal show...




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Sometimes even 'the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry'. For example who could forget the BBCs error when Margaret Thatcher died?




That was a frightening sight!! All those pictures of the witch staring out at me! <SHUDDER>

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God, wouldn't you be, having to sit through that dismal show...


Agree. it was pretty poor. It was all summed up when the BBC reporter asked one of those operating the large Kestral "How long they had been preparing ?"

reply "Only this morning"

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To answer the OP's question - no. The Queen will not abdicate and her funeral will have been planned to the finest details many years ago - likely as not she will have been involved in the planning of it.

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To answer the OP's question - no. The Queen will not abdicate and her funeral will have been planned to the finest details many years ago - likely as not she will have been involved in the planning of it.


And Charles praying for it :) Oh slap my dannies!!!

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