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Pensions & the NHS under threat

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Nixon I can only tell you what my wife's pharmacy charges the nhs per addict, she fills in the paperwork and dispenses the methadone.

Whilst I appreciate addiction, society puts in place a method to relieve it and heroin addicts abuse it. For me you should have a two year limit if you do not succeed then go back on the smack and yes I understand the related costs of increased crime to feed the habit etc but if you are not willing to help yourself why should I or society be bothered,

It makes no matter what argument I put forward you are one of those that thinks the state is responsible for everything, should provide everything and should pay for everything.


I know that in Scotland there's a problem with Chemists profiting by charging extra to provide methadone to addicts, maybe there's a same problem here in England.


If you've read my posts you'd know that I'm not a big government person, I do agree that people should take more reasonability for their lives. The issue with addicts is that very often they do help themselves, by stealing to fund their addiction, so withdrawing treatment to them would save the NHS money, but cost the country more money than is saved.


If it was up to me I'd give addicts heroin, along with adequate treatment such a cognitive behavioural treatment.

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The fees are set by the nhs, you just fill in paperwork for how many times they turn up/ or not and dosage given.

Agree with you in that some people who have adequate finances support a habit of heroin or coke quite easily and function well so the approach by society may well be wrong but that is another thread maybe.

If we Brexit then there may be a drop in public finances when cut backs may occur, if there is no drop then no cuts. Only time will tell when and if we Brexit.

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Has nobody realised how many millions it costs us every week to be a member of th EU (and have the EU accounts ever been verified?)

Where does the unaccounted cash go?

What we give the EU every week would build a new hospital and our PM says we would be short of cash!!

He meens his gravy train would not be there when he retires like the Kinnoks has been

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The nhs budget may well be hit, possible less boob jobs and gastric bands, but doubt he will hit pensions that would affect core Tory voters. It would be like labour going in and cutting benefits for the core labour voters.


Because the tories are doing so well in protecting pension rights at the moment... :suspect:


---------- Post added 13-06-2016 at 10:31 ----------


Never said they were,nt. There are demands upon the nhs as with all public services. The nhs budget if cut will have to be more wisely spent and priorities set. I merely mentioned boob jobs and gastric bands as two procedures it can equally apply to hip replacements or cataract removals.


Because currently they don't have priorities and just throw money away...


---------- Post added 13-06-2016 at 10:35 ----------


There are vast areas of the nhs that account for waste. One area is methadone for heroin addicts at a cost of 35k per addict per year. My wife has been giving methadone to the same addicts year in year out. You are supposed to reduce your consumption over 12 months to zero but after 34 years in pharmacy she can name only one addict that has got off methadone. The rest just keep taking it, is that a good use of nhs money 35 thousand a year per addict.


So reduce that budget and just cut them off.


They'll move back to heroin and start mugging people and stealing in order to fund it.


The overall cost to society will actually increase.


---------- Post added 13-06-2016 at 10:42 ----------


True, my vote has already been cast and I'm not put off by any scare tactics of an economic contraction as it would hardly affect me, and is also very uncertain.


How are you immune to the economy?

The least affected would be pensioners I suppose, but even they use public services that are funded by the governments tax income, which depends on the health of the economy.

And most pensioners will have younger family who's jobs will be at risk.

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Why will jobs be at risk?

We sell to the world not just the EU are you trying to tell me because we leave the EU jobs will go

No there will be less people after the jobs because there will be less EU nationals able to come and take the jobs can no one see this

Just how Great was Britain before the EU

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Why will jobs be at risk?

We sell to the world not just the EU are you trying to tell me because we leave the EU jobs will go

No there will be less people after the jobs because there will be less EU nationals able to come and take the jobs can no one see this

Just how Great was Britain before the EU


How are you going to persuade those Brits currently not working to give up benefits and take those jobs?

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No they asked how to get idle Brits off their backside and going to work. But do believe benefits cap has been reduced and we are in the eu now.


"Stillhere" said that if we left the EU then there'd be less immigrants and therefore more jobs for UK workers.. I asked how will we get the people to go for the jobs ..you said cut benefits..therefore you're saying that leaving the EU would result in lower benefits.. I don't see how you can mean anything else..

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