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Owen Jones and Sky News.

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It was an islamic terrorist attack. Target happened to be a gay club. These evil scum don't go after only gays. Jones flounced out over nothing.


This Gay man's slant on things may ruffle a few feathers..



The killers father has said in a TV interview that he didn't have a major issue with men kissing. He just didn't like it.

Edited by MikeFrank
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Owen Jones exemplifies why I, a floating voter, cannot vote for Labour at the moment.


Anyway, that aside I cannot see anything he did that was remotely grown up in that tv "performance".


I found the whole thing (from both sides) embarrassing and slightly offensive. It came across as though each were trying to have more claim/identity with the attack. I could see the points of both but they quickly lost sight of the real issue and became engaged in a childish spat.


---------- Post added 14-06-2016 at 08:33 ----------


This Gay man's slant on things may ruffle a few feathers..



The killers father has said in a TV interview that he didn't have a major issue with men kissing. He just didn't like it.


Jones did seem intent on trying to distance the attack from Islam.

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He lost the plot there and he will realise that more fully in the coming days.


I think the others were a little clumsy in their language but were clearly sincere in their condemnation of the attack. Jones's role in that situation is to calmly put them straight on the language, not walk away.

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There's no evidence of that though. Its impossible to say why he chose the club, was it because it was full of people or because it was full of gay men. Who knows, we never will.


No evidence apart from the fact that his own father has described him as homophobic.


---------- Post added 14-06-2016 at 09:13 ----------


Brown gunman targets and kills 50 people at gay nightclub whose own father has been quoted saying that his son got angry when he saw two men kissing.


White gunman rocks up to LA Pride March with a car full of assault rifles (....and is thankfully) stopped before creating mass casualties.


One claims to be pledging allegence to Daesh and their so called religion and despite having sod all basis in reality to the majority of muslim citizens - its plastered all over the media and is now being used as the drum for every anti-islam, anti-muslim, right wing, anti-EU, Ukipper, trump supporting moron to push their agenda.


The other is merely described as a lone wolf , no plastering all over the papers, little official comment, swepped under the carpet all to be forgotten by anyone outside the immediately affected areas.


What is the most extrordinary point to me is that despite BOTH being clearly acts of terrorism and despite both being targetted attacks against gay people, both of these nutjobs were legally able to obtain assualt grade weapons despite one being known to the FBI and the other being previously charged for threatening behaviour with a weapon.


All focus is that I word. How numbskulls like Trump can actually say those speaches with a straight face astounds me.


How news organisations such as Sky News can be so ingrained to be generic and balanced "it could have been anyone" guff in the face of what is clearly a targetted attack is just patethic.


Where are the journalists with balls these days. Where are the interviewers actually prepared to challenge the so called leaders of the so called most powerful nation and quite frankly tell them that they need to stick their Second Amendment nonsense up their behinds. THAT IS THE ISSUE. Not Islam. Not Isis. Not terrorism. Guns. Guns being accessible to practically anyone with a driving licence. Guns being so widely accepted that children use them, people carry them in their handbags and the obsession with carrying them is treated as casually as a mobile phone.


Back on track,

Owen Jones was absolutely right to do what he did. It was certainly not a hissy fit. He was certainly not being a child.


It was clear that both the presenter and Julia Hartley Brewer were not prepared to admit what this was. They were so ingrained on pushing their own agenda and that of the media organisation.


"Its just could not have been a lone wolf nutjob attacking gays". "Its got to be islamic terrorist."


Its the same agenda all the time.


Brown Person - islamic terrorist ready to bring down western society

White Person - mentally disturbed lone wolf probably from a broken home.


Well said.


---------- Post added 14-06-2016 at 09:17 ----------


The main issue is that it was another terrorist attack comitted by a Muslim whose religeous beliefs differ from what is acceptable in Western society. It's a big concern it was an home grown terrorist who has enjoyed the benefits of living in a civilised Western society, who committed these murders. It should be a concern to the American people that the attack was made easier as a consequence of their gun laws.


On this occassion the Muslim terrorist targeted the gay community,but that does not make it more or less worse than any other terrorist atrocity. In my view the gay community seem to be enjoying the attention this incident has given them.


Perhaps I'm missing something, but it's no more a terrorist attack than the Dunblane massacre was.

It's a homophobic mass killing, it wasn't done for political reasons.

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No evidence apart from the fact that his own father has described him as homophobic.


---------- Post added 14-06-2016 at 09:13 ----------



Well said.


---------- Post added 14-06-2016 at 09:17 ----------



Perhaps I'm missing something, but it's no more a terrorist attack than the Dunblane massacre was.

It's a homophobic mass killing, it wasn't done for political reasons.

Would it have been homophobic if he'd carried out the attack at Disney World? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/13/disney-world-was-scouted-by-orlando-gunman-omar-mateen-as-possib/

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Perhaps I'm missing something, but it's no more a terrorist attack than the Dunblane massacre was.

It's a homophobic mass killing, it wasn't done for political reasons.

Yes, you are missing something. The murderer was a Muslim terrorist and also told the Police he supported ISIS.

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I found the whole thing (from both sides) embarrassing and slightly offensive. It came across as though each were trying to have more claim/identity with the attack. I could see the points of both but they quickly lost sight of the real issue and became engaged in a childish spat.


Agreed, which is sort of what Brendan O'Neill in talking about in his rather good Spiked-Online today article.


Jones did seem intent on trying to distance the attack from Islam.


Owen Jones' does seem rather shackled to the concept of "identity" that has infected the left, and likes to see things in simplistic good v bad terms. You can almost see the cognitive dissonance in his eyes as he tries to compute the fact that somebody from his favourite identity has just murdered people from his second favourite identity.


I think Lada Gaga has a more nuanced grasp of the situation.

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No evidence apart from the fact that his own father has described him as homophobic.


You've made some stupid posts over the years, but this one really takes the biscuit.


This was a homophobic attack, perpetrated by a homophobic son of a homophobic father.


Like I said we just don't know. However more information is now coming out and indeed the man in question was a frequent visitor to the club and he also used gay dating aps. So I assume he was indeed GAY.


That'll have Liberal heads popping all over the place. A Gay Muslim terrorist.


Sibon you need to think out of the box and not throw insults about so readily especially when your comments come back to make you look silly.

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