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Owen Jones and Sky News.

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He called the plod and said he was inspired by the Islamic wierdo`s in ISIS . The reason for the attack was Islam , not because it was a gay bar.


. . . and certainly not because he was confused about his own sexuality, oh no. Definitely not . . .

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That is complete garbage. If what you said is true this island would be on fire.


There have been Muslims living in the UK for a very long time now during which the country as a whole has seen attitudes to all sorts of things, including homosexuality, change.


I believe you sent a survey saying that 50% of Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal. Using your analysis above that number would be 100%.


You cannot and will not combat extremism by attacking the faith.

...........no it's not garbage at all..........just you with a closed mind!
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"Internalised homophobia and oppression happen to gay, lesbian and bisexual people, and even heterosexuals, who have learned and been taught that heterosexuality is the norm and “correct way to be”. Hearing and seeing negative depictions of LGB people can lead us to internalise, or take in these negative messages. Some LGB people suffer from mental distress as a result.


To be distressed by how one is depicted in society,In my opinion , is not synonymous with having a "mental health" problem. Tarring LBGT people as having mental health problems; is similar to the bad old days when the psychiatric profession described being gay as "pathological".


As a young gay man (and now as an older gay man) I totally rejected the negative labels appended to my nature. Those who seek to oppress LBGT people quickly resort to,"It figures.They are not right in the head".

I consider myself to be a reasonably mentally well-adjusted homosexual.

There's an old Lancashire saying that sums it all up.

"All the world is mad,except thee and me.And I'm a little queer".LOL.

NB. "Queer" being adopted in its none pejorative use.


I don't think it's so much "Society thinks I'm bad" and stressing about it, I think it's more "Society thinks I'm bad, maybe they're right" resulting in internal conflict which, if not resolved, can worsen and develop into mental health issues.

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I don't think it's so much "Society thinks I'm bad" and stressing about it, I think it's more "Society thinks I'm bad, maybe they're right" resulting in internal conflict which, if not resolved, can worsen and develop into mental health issues.


Yes I would agree with this....it's not how society views people, but the impact it has on the person's self esteem.

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I don't think it's so much "Society thinks I'm bad" and stressing about it, I think it's more "Society thinks I'm bad, maybe they're right" resulting in internal conflict which, if not resolved, can worsen and develop into mental health issues.




I get your point -you and Mr M are right.I think I might have just misubderstood you both a tad.

Edited by petemcewan
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