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EU Voting Purely About Migrants?

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The EU rules or laws means the UK can't do that. If we leave the EU, then the UK will be free to have our own rules again for the benefit of British citizens.


There is no doubt the current migrant crisis will influence many voters, but my decision to vote leave was made many years ago based on such things as the EU's fishing policy and the EU gravy train financed by hard working taxpayers.


Well, glad to see that you've got all the facts.




EU migrants will soon have to wait four years to receive in-work benefits under new reforms set out by David Cameron as part of his EU negotiations.


Is it easy for EU migrants to claim benefits in the UK?

No. Tougher rules came into force in March 2015 stating new EU migrants who arrive in the UK cannot claim any benefits until they have started work here.


They must also have lived in the UK for three months before putting in any benefit claims.

What benefits are they currently entitled to claim?

Once they have been living in the country for three months they are entitled to claim:

Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance

Child Benefit

Child Tax Credits

They used to be allowed to claim Housing Benefit but this has now been scrapped.


Highly ironic that you were claiming in the self representation thread that solicitors aren't needed because the information is all available on the internet. You can't even be bothered to find out the facts before explaining how immigrant benefits work!


This is exactly why we shouldn't be having a referendum, the vast majority of people are voting from a position of abject ignorance.

Edited by Cyclone
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Oh, should have added this bit


EU migrants are allowed to claim benefits for three months but after that they must undergo a 'genuine prospect of work' test.


If they do not have an imminent job offer they will lose their benefits and their right to reside in the UK as a jobseeker.

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This is exactly why we shouldn't be having a referendum, the vast majority of people are voting from a position of abject ignorance.


The referendum could have worked if the Remain camp actually campaigned on a basis of rectifying all the misconceptions flying around about the EU, but they didn't. If this referendum is for a Brexit than the fault will be squarely on Messieurs Cameron, Osbourne and Corbyn's shoulders.

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But you are voting to leave on the basis of migration anyway...


Not true. see other comment.


---------- Post added 16-06-2016 at 09:41 ----------



What Brexiters don't realise is that in order to control immigration we'd have to leave the Single Market and not just the EU. Of course that would cause the economy to tank. But if that's what they want.


The single market agreement is one of the reasons we cant control migration numbers.

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The referendum could have worked if the Remain camp actually campaigned on a basis of rectifying all the misconceptions flying around about the EU, but they didn't. If this referendum is for a Brexit than the fault will be squarely on Messieurs Cameron, Osbourne and Corbyn's shoulders.


It's almost impossible to educate people about these things. They simply refuse to listen.

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The referendum could have worked if the Remain camp actually campaigned on a basis of rectifying all the misconceptions flying around about the EU, but they didn't. If this referendum is for a Brexit than the fault will be squarely on Messieurs Cameron, Osbourne and Corbyn's shoulders.


The British people have been willfully under informed on the EU for more than 40 years. Expecting the media and politicians to suddenly be honest on the subject was wishing for the stars (even if that's what I was wishing).


Cameron is just re-using the Fear tactics of the Scottish referendum. It worked then, it's not looking too promising for him now.


Regardless of next Thursday's result, whether we actually ever get to leave is still far from certain. As opposed to what is certain, which is that I'm off to the supermarket.

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For me its about the protection or rules that the EU has given us. Better working rights, better warranties on goods, cleaner beaches rivers and seas.


For some of my friends who own their own businesses, their focuses are on trade and red tape.


For farmer colleagues its about the subsidies and support they get (or don't).

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Yes. The EU will protect us from zero hour contracts, crap wages, and the export of good paying jobs to the third world.


Oh wait...


That was a conservative government


hang on.....


---------- Post added 16-06-2016 at 10:08 ----------


For me its about the protection or rules that the EU has given us. Better working rights, better warranties on goods, cleaner beaches rivers and seas.


For some of my friends who own their own businesses, their focuses are on trade and red tape.


For farmer colleagues its about the subsidies and support they get (or don't).


I forget, like many do, that uk citizens can also go and live and work visa-free anywhere in the EU.


Its a great perk when I think about it.

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It's almost impossible to educate people about these things. They simply refuse to listen.


If you are regarding what has been coming from all the mouths of politicians in this debacle as education you have a very warped idea of what education is. what we have been experiencing is assumption, opinion, obfuscation and Lies Damned Lies.

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