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EU Voting Purely About Migrants?

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Where have you been hanging out if you think you can identify immigrants by seeing them.


The real world?


Did she see the UKIP poster with echoes of nazi propaganda, and the long queue of brown faced people?


It isn't the brown faces that people don't want, it is the burden. It is selfishness not racism.


The whole statement it is an excuse for ignoring the will of the majority is ignoring the fact that racists exist in the country. Isn't it time to condemn racists Zamo?


It isn't ignoring the fact that racists exist. I specifically said that there will be racists pleased if we reduce immigration but that isn't a reason for not doing it. I hear some racists are also fond of beer... shall we deny the general public that too to stop racists getting what they want?

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It isn't ignoring the fact that racists exist. I specifically said that there will be racists pleased if we reduce immigration but that isn't a reason for not doing it. I hear some racists are also fond of beer... shall we deny the general public that too to stop racists getting what they want?



Good, I am pleased you don't ignore they exist. I'd like you to speak out against racists who are lifting on your message. And don't get me wrong, even if I don't agree with your message, I do understand it.


Just like you feel it is up to Muslims to condemn and stop terrorists, it is now up to people like you, having got what you want (?) to make sure that racists don't occupy your agenda. And that is a very difficult business, because, whether you like it or not, the UKIP message is one that legitimises racists. And I don't fancy becoming the victim of that legitimisation.


But as you keep reminding us, Muslims have that duty with terrorists, so now you and other Leave voters have that duty with racists. Eradicate the problem so it doesn't rear its ugly head again.

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What about the political class who were involved in "leave"?


Ive a horrible feeling that when we "only" get EU lite - ie free movement, not "sending 'em back" there will be a backlash against people like Boris and his new government (party?) and the rest of the "leave" campaign and that backlash will be violent.

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