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EU Voting Purely About Migrants?

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Good, I am pleased you don't ignore they exist. I'd like you to speak out against racists who are lifting on your message. And don't get me wrong, even if I don't agree with your message, I do understand it.


Just like you feel it is up to Muslims to condemn and stop terrorists, it is now up to people like you, having got what you want (?) to make sure that racists don't occupy your agenda. And that is a very difficult business, because, whether you like it or not, the UKIP message is one that legitimises racists. And I don't fancy becoming the victim of that legitimisation.


But as you keep reminding us, Muslims have that duty with terrorists, so now you and other Leave voters have that duty with racists. Eradicate the problem so it doesn't rear its ugly head again.


If you encounter any, tell them from me, that as far as I'm concerned they go before you do. I shall do the same.

Same goes for any Muslim who supports secular government. Far rather have them here than a bunch of brain-dead bigots.

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If you encounter any, tell them from me, that as far as I'm concerned they go before you do. I shall do the same.

Same goes for any Muslim who supports secular government. Far rather have them here than a bunch of brain-dead bigots.


Appreciated. We really do need that pint at some point in the not too far future.

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Good, I am pleased you don't ignore they exist. I'd like you to speak out against racists who are lifting on your message. And don't get me wrong, even if I don't agree with your message, I do understand it.


Just like you feel it is up to Muslims to condemn and stop terrorists, it is now up to people like you, having got what you want (?) to make sure that racists don't occupy your agenda. And that is a very difficult business, because, whether you like it or not, the UKIP message is one that legitimises racists. And I don't fancy becoming the victim of that legitimisation.


But as you keep reminding us, Muslims have that duty with terrorists, so now you and other Leave voters have that duty with racists. Eradicate the problem so it doesn't rear its ugly head again.


There is a clear link between Islam and Islamic extremism... the later doesn't exist without the former.


Is there such a link between immigration control and racism? Is immigration control the root cause of racism? If we remove immigration control does racism disappear? I don't think so. Let's test the theory a little more. Has racism declined within the EU as a result of the free movement of people? No it hasn't... in fact far right and nationalist groups are currently surging. I'm sorry but your theory doesn't hold up.


Immigration control will reduce the negatives that come with mass, un-selective immigration and this will mean there is less to tolerate, tolerance doesn't become stretched and intolerance doesn't turn into racism. It isn't a panacea to racism but it will certainly help.

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The real world?




It isn't the brown faces that people don't want, it is the burden. It is selfishness not racism.




It isn't ignoring the fact that racists exist. I specifically said that there will be racists pleased if we reduce immigration but that isn't a reason for not doing it. I hear some racists are also fond of beer... shall we deny the general public that too to stop racists getting what they want?


Or the millions of folk who simply think that they country is full up and cannot keep taking another 1/2 million or so every year. It's not racism. It's mathematics.

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Either way, it looks like they're going to be disappointed.


That would be a terrible mistake because the disappointment will quickly turn into a festering anger and people ultimately embracing ever more extreme solutions. We can already see far-right groups surging across Europe and the only way to stop the trend is to stop the unselective mass immigration that is pushing people down this dangerous path.

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There is a clear link between Islam and Islamic extremism... the later doesn't exist without the former.


Is there such a link between immigration control and racism? Is immigration control the root cause of racism? If we remove immigration control does racism disappear? I don't think so. Let's test the theory a little more. Has racism declined within the EU as a result of the free movement of people? No it hasn't... in fact far right and nationalist groups are currently surging. I'm sorry but your theory doesn't hold up.


Immigration control will reduce the negatives that come with mass, un-selective immigration and this will mean there is less to tolerate, tolerance doesn't become stretched and intolerance doesn't turn into racism. It isn't a panacea to racism but it will certainly help.


In a bizarre twist you seem to be condemning anti-immigration movements in Europe whilst happily defending anti-immigration in the UK?


So explain to me, was Farage's poster of immigrants eerily stirring racist feelings?

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The highest levels of remain voters were actually in areas of highest net migration while some of the strongest leave areas have had the fewest recent new migrants.


London, which absorbed 133,000 of the 330,000 net migration in 2015, voted the most strongly for remain. Manchester also voted for remain – and with net migration of 13,554 had nearly double the level of net migration seen in Birmingham, which voted leave.


The pattern is starkest at the local authority level. Lambeth in London, which recorded the highest remain vote of 78%, saw a net influx of 4,598, while Castle Point in Essex, which includes Canvey Island, saw a net inflow of only 81 new international migrants in 2015, but 72% of people there voted leave.


The pattern was repeated in Conservative Wandsworth in London, where net migration was 6,295 and 75% voted remain, and Labour Hartlepool, where there was a net increase of only 113 in new migrants but 69% voted to leave.

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The highest levels of remain voters were actually in areas of highest net migration while some of the strongest leave areas have had the fewest recent new migrants.


London, which absorbed 133,000 of the 330,000 net migration in 2015, voted the most strongly for remain. Manchester also voted for remain – and with net migration of 13,554 had nearly double the level of net migration seen in Birmingham, which voted leave.


The pattern is starkest at the local authority level. Lambeth in London, which recorded the highest remain vote of 78%, saw a net influx of 4,598, while Castle Point in Essex, which includes Canvey Island, saw a net inflow of only 81 new international migrants in 2015, but 72% of people there voted leave.


The pattern was repeated in Conservative Wandsworth in London, where net migration was 6,295 and 75% voted remain, and Labour Hartlepool, where there was a net increase of only 113 in new migrants but 69% voted to leave.


Although you could argue that areas with the highest numbers of migrants also had the highest number of migrants able to vote remain.

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