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EU Voting Purely About Migrants?

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The highest levels of remain voters were actually in areas of highest net migration while some of the strongest leave areas have had the fewest recent new migrants.


London, which absorbed 133,000 of the 330,000 net migration in 2015, voted the most strongly for remain. Manchester also voted for remain – and with net migration of 13,554 had nearly double the level of net migration seen in Birmingham, which voted leave.


The pattern is starkest at the local authority level. Lambeth in London, which recorded the highest remain vote of 78%, saw a net influx of 4,598, while Castle Point in Essex, which includes Canvey Island, saw a net inflow of only 81 new international migrants in 2015, but 72% of people there voted leave.


The pattern was repeated in Conservative Wandsworth in London, where net migration was 6,295 and 75% voted remain, and Labour Hartlepool, where there was a net increase of only 113 in new migrants but 69% voted to leave.


Interesting study in the Independent.




And here, 28% of UKIP voters saying they hold racist views.



Edited by Radan
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The highest levels of remain voters were actually in areas of highest net migration while some of the strongest leave areas have had the fewest recent new migrants.


London, which absorbed 133,000 of the 330,000 net migration in 2015, voted the most strongly for remain. Manchester also voted for remain – and with net migration of 13,554 had nearly double the level of net migration seen in Birmingham, which voted leave.


The pattern is starkest at the local authority level. Lambeth in London, which recorded the highest remain vote of 78%, saw a net influx of 4,598, while Castle Point in Essex, which includes Canvey Island, saw a net inflow of only 81 new international migrants in 2015, but 72% of people there voted leave.


The pattern was repeated in Conservative Wandsworth in London, where net migration was 6,295 and 75% voted remain, and Labour Hartlepool, where there was a net increase of only 113 in new migrants but 69% voted to leave.


You ever been to Hartlepool? not know for its forward thinking and cosmopolitan outlook. they did vote a football mascot for a mayor though.


That said in places like canvey island (and places like Bolsover and Mansfield) an influx of polish people doesn't need to be particularly high number to stand out, so when it happens its noticeable. The locals feel they have been passed over for employment and their world is changing and they don't like it. I get it. But voting leave will not change it and make their lives better.

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Good, I am pleased you don't ignore they exist. I'd like you to speak out against racists who are lifting on your message. And don't get me wrong, even if I don't agree with your message, I do understand it.


Just like you feel it is up to Muslims to condemn and stop terrorists, it is now up to people like you, having got what you want (?) to make sure that racists don't occupy your agenda. And that is a very difficult business, because, whether you like it or not, the UKIP message is one that legitimises racists. And I don't fancy becoming the victim of that legitimisation.


But as you keep reminding us, Muslims have that duty with terrorists, so now you and other Leave voters have that duty with racists. Eradicate the problem so it doesn't rear its ugly head again.


The only racial abuse I have witnessed (some somali teens racially abusing an elderly English guy) I stepped in and stopped it. I would do the same in future. I can't stop racists being racist any more than I can stop scousers being annoying. There are a small percentage of thick people who will lump you in with the roma pickpocket or the dole claiming middle eastern immigrant with 12 kids as an undesirable. They are idiots. They don't represent me. But we can't tell people what to think. We can only step in when their views translate into actions which violate the rights of others and then I can and will step in to defend those rights.

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Lots of 1st hand accounts of racist behaviour since Friday here.


---------- Post added 27-06-2016 at 15:57 ----------


No, because we didn't get the right to vote.


Migrants who have taken British citizenship would get to vote of course, but that will be a minority presumably.

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Lots of 1st hand accounts of racist behaviour since Friday here.


---------- Post added 27-06-2016 at 15:57 ----------



Migrants who have taken British citizenship would get to vote of course, but that will be a minority presumably.


The Dutch, as other EU countries have done as well, have disallowed dual nationality. Taking up British citizenship would forego my Dutch citizenship. Not an issue when the UK is in the EU, now it is though.

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The Dutch, as other EU countries have done as well, have disallowed dual nationality. Taking up British citizenship would forego my Dutch citizenship. Not an issue when the UK is in the EU, now it is though.


To be fair I've lived and worked in several countries and I would never expect to have a say in their laws unless I was prepared to become a citizen. Without taking citizenship we are just visitors.

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To be fair I've lived and worked in several countries and I would never expect to have a say in their laws unless I was prepared to become a citizen. Without taking citizenship we are just visitors.


Agreed, I am not complaining, merely pointing out that stating that migrants voted to remain is very unlikely to have had an influence.

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The Dutch, as other EU countries have done as well, have disallowed dual nationality. Taking up British citizenship would forego my Dutch citizenship. Not an issue when the UK is in the EU, now it is though.


What was the motivation for this law? Who else in Europe does it?

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