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EU Voting Purely About Migrants?

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Nigel Farage heads the only major Parry that was against the massacre of over a million brown people in the Blair crusades.


It always surprises me how he can be called racist, but the parties that sanctioned the war crimes that shame our generation aren't. I guess the media manipulates the minds of most people.

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Nigel Farage heads the only major Parry that was against the massacre of over a million brown people in the Blair crusades.


It always surprises me how he can be called racist, but the parties that sanctioned the war crimes that shame our generation aren't. I guess the media manipulates the minds of most people.


How exactly? UKIP had not a single MP when Blair invaded Iraq. They have only ever had 2 MPs at most. They only have 1 now. An ex-Tory.


He might not have supported the war but he was happy to use a poster showing lots of displaced people as a reason not to remain in the EU wasn't he? He's all heart.

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Nigel Farage heads the only major Parry that was against the massacre of over a million brown people in the Blair crusades.


It always surprises me how he can be called racist, but the parties that sanctioned the war crimes that shame our generation aren't. I guess the media manipulates the minds of most people.


UKIP aren't a major party; they're a fringe party.

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Nigel Farage heads the only major Parry that was against the massacre of over a million brown people in the Blair crusades.


It always surprises me how he can be called racist, but the parties that sanctioned the war crimes that shame our generation aren't. I guess the media manipulates the minds of most people.


I have never thought Farage was racist, but I am surprised at the racists that have come out of the woodwork.

I think it may be older people stuck with their old fashioned views, I wonder if the young ones now, will be like that when they get older.

I think racism is repressed, so people will only discuss those issues with other racists. I started a thread earlier, but it was delelted, we dont even seem to be able to discuss it.

Not having a pop at the forum, its the same all over.

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I have never thought Farage was racist, but I am surprised at the racists that have come out of the woodwork.

I think it may be older people stuck with their old fashioned views, I wonder if the young ones now, will be like that when they get older.

I think racism is repressed, so people will only discuss those issues with other racists. I started a thread earlier, but it was delelted, we dont even seem to be able to discuss it.

Not having a pop at the forum, its the same all over.


I think part of the problem, and I'm not aiming this at you El Cid, as your posts suggest that you're an intelligent and reasonable person, is that when immigration and race are discussed on here, a minority seem to write abusive and intolerant posts. The two need not go together, but they often do.


Some people respond to this as 'shutting down debate' and people being 'politically correct'. It's nothing of the sort - I think there is legislation which governs how people interact with one another, so that people cannot be racially abusive or commit acts motivated by race hate.


Racism is repressed because it is unacceptable. I'd be the first one to acknowledge that people have legitimate fears. In the recent EU campaign the subject that loomed the largest was the sense that people's wages were being undercut. Not accountants, lawyers, doctors, people doing very nicely thank you. But plumbers, labourers, bricklayers - the 'working class'. In fact the only time the phrase 'the working class' ever gets mentioned by politicians, of whatever stripe, is when issues of race are discussed. Never that middle class people, like politicians, are racist! I wonder if Nigel Farage will be echoing working class concerns about job insecurity if the cause was employers trying to circumvent the law or casualising labour?

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How exactly? UKIP had not a single MP when Blair invaded Iraq. They have only ever had 2 MPs at most. They only have 1 now. An ex-Tory.


He might not have supported the war but he was happy to use a poster showing lots of displaced people as a reason not to remain in the EU wasn't he? He's all heart.


It is irrelevant how many MPS they had, their Party position was against the illegal invasion of a country full of brown people. The only reason we invaded them was because they were full of brown people.


How you can bring up a nasty poster in response to a discussion about the murder of over 1 million people staggers me.


Imagine if the pictures on the TV had been of dead white children. Of white mothers screaming in anguish, and in English, because a bomb had fallen on their house. How UKIP can be called racist by a Party that caused the deaths of over 1 million brown people when their worst crime is a bad taste poster is amazing.


UKIP aren't a major party; they're a fringe party.


The are the 3rd biggest by popularity in the UK. They got more votes outside of Scotland than every other Party (save Labour and Conservative) added together.


Whether you agree with them or not, the absolutely aren't a fringe party.

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It is irrelevant how many MPS they had, their Party position was against the illegal invasion of a country full of brown people. The only reason we invaded them was because they were full of brown people.


How you can bring up a nasty poster in response to a discussion about the murder of over 1 million people staggers me.


Imagine if the pictures on the TV had been of dead white children. Of white mothers screaming in anguish, and in English, because a bomb had fallen on their house. How UKIP can be called racist by a Party that caused the deaths of over 1 million brown people when their worst crime is a bad taste poster is amazing.




The are the 3rd biggest by popularity in the UK. They got more votes outside of Scotland than every other Party (save Labour and Conservative) added together.


Whether you agree with them or not, the absolutely aren't a fringe party.



But now that the referendum is over, their reason for existing has gone. What now for UKIP?

I think Labour and the Tories are rooted in a political tradition that goes much deeper than outrage over the EU, or the angst about political correctness and the smoking ban.

What should their next rallying cry be?

Edited by Mister M
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It is irrelevant how many MPS they had, their Party position was against the illegal invasion of a country full of brown people. The only reason we invaded them was because they were full of brown people.


How you can bring up a nasty poster in response to a discussion about the murder of over 1 million people staggers me.


Imagine if the pictures on the TV had been of dead white children. Of white mothers screaming in anguish, and in English, because a bomb had fallen on their house. How UKIP can be called racist by a Party that caused the deaths of over 1 million brown people when their worst crime is a bad taste poster is amazing.




The are the 3rd biggest by popularity in the UK. They got more votes outside of Scotland than every other Party (save Labour and Conservative) added together.


Whether you agree with them or not, the absolutely aren't a fringe party.


When Blair invaded Iraq UKIP were smaller than the BNP.


Only invaded because it's full of brown people?


Get back to me when you have something sensible to say.

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First of all - point me at one party in Europe that is openly racist. Just one. You are just showing your ignorance on Europe again.


Didn't the Jobbik party from Hungary had/have MEPs as well as support at home? They are currently the third largest party with 20% of the vote in Hungary, well known for incredibly anti semitic and anti Roma views.



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