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EU Voting Purely About Migrants?

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Didn't the Jobbik party from Hungary had/have MEPs as well as support at home? They are currently the third largest party with 20% of the vote in Hungary, well known for incredibly anti semitic and anti Roma views.




Perhaps, even then I don't expect the two combined to have more than a 1% vote in the EU parliament.


Don't forget that most EU governments adopted proportional representation, meaning that everybody has a vote. I for one am all for that.

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When Blair invaded Iraq UKIP were smaller than the BNP.


Only invaded because it's full of brown people?


Get back to me when you have something sensible to say.


It is sensible.


We would not have invaded Afghanistan based on 9/11 if the country was white. We did not invade Ireland after all.


We invaded Iraq based on a lie, do you really think we would have done that had the population been white?


The western world can stomach dark skinned people dying in their millions, it can't stomach white people dying.


The size of UKIP is not relevant when discussing their attitudes. They are expressly anti-interventionist whereas Labour are demonstrably pro - interventionalist

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It is sensible.


We would not have invaded Afghanistan based on 9/11 if the country was white. We did not invade Ireland after all.


We invaded Iraq based on a lie, do you really think we would have done that had the population been white?


The western world can stomach dark skinned people dying in their millions, it can't stomach white people dying.


The size of UKIP is not relevant when discussing their attitudes. They are expressly anti-interventionist whereas Labour are demonstrably pro - interventionalist




The bold bit.... I don't think you have a scooby what you are talking about, and I am not English or Irish.

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It is sensible.


We would not have invaded Afghanistan based on 9/11 if the country was white. We did not invade Ireland after all.


We invaded Iraq based on a lie, do you really think we would have done that had the population been white?


The western world can stomach dark skinned people dying in their millions, it can't stomach white people dying.


The size of UKIP is not relevant when discussing their attitudes. They are expressly anti-interventionist whereas Labour are demonstrably pro - interventionalist


So UKIP have demonstrated their anti racist credentials by disagreeing with the stance taken by both major parties with regards to recent wars, who you say only invaded other countries on the basis of the colour of people's skin?

But wouldn't that defeat UKIP's unique selling point to their supporters?

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The bold bit.... I don't think you have a scooby what you are talking about, and I am not English or Irish.


Should have made that clearer, I meant in response to IRA aggression in the 80's and 90s.


---------- Post added 29-06-2016 at 23:05 ----------


But now that the referendum is over, their reason for existing has gone. What now for UKIP?

I think Labour and the Tories are rooted in a political tradition that goes much deeper than outrage over the EU, or the angst about political correctness and the smoking ban.

What should their next rallying cry be?


The United Kingdom is not yet "independent", as we are still in the EU, it will be a gradual process. Labour did not cease to be when they won hard fought rights for workers.


So UKIP have demonstrated their anti racist credentials by disagreeing with the stance taken by both major parties with regards to recent wars, who you say only invaded other countries on the basis of the colour of people's skin?

But wouldn't that defeat UKIP's unique selling point to their supporters?


I have not claimed they are anti-racist, just that I don't see much evidence for them being racist, especially relative to our other political parties.


May I ask if you think that the colour of the skin of the native people influenced the decision to invade both/either Iraq and Afghanistan? If the same set of circumstances arose but against a "white country" do you think the same outcome would occur. Say, for instance, we got a dossier that alleged Sweden had weapons of mass destruction, would we invade and kill over 1 million of their people?

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Should have made that clearer, I meant in response to IRA aggression in the 80's and 90s.


I'm sorry, but that simply isn't true. I know a number of men that were stationed in NI and between them they covered the 80's, 90's and 2000's. The UK has/had a permanent active army presence in Northern Ireland almost as long as it has had in Germany, if not longer. It might not appear like an invasion to you, as you are English, but I am fairly sure that the last time I was in Belfast the murals said something different.

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It is sensible.


We would not have invaded Afghanistan based on 9/11 if the country was white. We did not invade Ireland after all.


We invaded Iraq based on a lie, do you really think we would have done that had the population been white?


The western world can stomach dark skinned people dying in their millions, it can't stomach white people dying.


The size of UKIP is not relevant when discussing their attitudes. They are expressly anti-interventionist whereas Labour are demonstrably pro - interventionalist


Uh huh.....like we stomached Sierra Leone you mean?


Before you move the goalposts to Muslims I will say, and Bosnia then?


Sorry Citizen Smith, you don't know what you are talking about.

Edited by Radan
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I'm sorry, but that simply isn't true. I know a number of men that were stationed in NI and between them they covered the 80's, 90's and 2000's. The UK has/had a permanent active army presence in Northern Ireland almost as long as it has had in Germany, if not longer. It might not appear like an invasion to you, as you are English, but I am fairly sure that the last time I was in Belfast the murals said something different.



I am Irish and English, a family member died on black Sunday (I never met them as I am too young). I know all to well the horror of the British occupation of Ireland. I have been to Belfast a number of times and, as you will know, other murals say the opposite. I however am a unionist.


This does not change the fact that we did not invade Ireland in the 80's or 90s as a response to Irish terrorism.


---------- Post added 30-06-2016 at 00:12 ----------


Uh huh.....like we stomached Sierra Leone you mean?


Before you move the goalposts to Muslims I will say, and Bosnia then?


Sorry Citizen Smith, you don't know what you are talking about.


But we stomach countless wars even cause many of them, famine and disease that we could stop.


Moreover neither of these two were really invasions, more like peace keeping forces.


My main point stands, and I shall ask you. Do uou think we would have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan on the flimsy pretexts we did, had they been populated by white people?

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How do we have the points immigration system what is being talked about and wanted by many and the reason many voted out for, with regards to accepting freedom of movement by being in the single market? do they try and negotiate putting a limit on people coming here from the EU if they haven't got the skills we need? how would our government qualify that negotiation to appease the people who voted out because of the offer of a points based immigration system?

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I am Irish and English, a family member died on black Sunday (I never met them as I am too young). I know all to well the horror of the British occupation of Ireland. I have been to Belfast a number of times and, as you will know, other murals say the opposite. I however am a unionist.


This does not change the fact that we did not invade Ireland in the 80's or 90s as a response to Irish terrorism.


---------- Post added 30-06-2016 at 00:12 ----------



But we stomach countless wars even cause many of them, famine and disease that we could stop.


Moreover neither of these two were really invasions, more like peace keeping forces.


My main point stands, and I shall ask you. Do uou think we would have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan on the flimsy pretexts we did, had they been populated by white people?


Would they (Iraq) still have oil?


Do you mean Bloody Sunday?

Edited by Radan
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