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EU Voting Purely About Migrants?

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Is that your interpretation of Chelle-82's post? Or your own opinion, regardless of it?


Be precise. It facilitates dialogue :)


EDIT - I certainly don't disagree that immigration is the hottest political topic in British politics, now and for quite some time. As a matter of fact, I'm acutely aware of it. Refer my first post in this thread, if there was any need. It doesn't mean that I have to accept the demagogic way in which the debate is conducted, nor the arguments on which the debate turns when they are ill-founded. That's precisely why I'm always happy to discuss the problems associated with mass migration, EU and not, into the UK and the EU on a rational and pragmatic basis. It's also precisely why I target populists, xenophobes and racists with ridicule.


I was quite clear. At least you recognize the fact immigration is the number 1 concern.


It spreads across all parties and persuasions and ages. It's not just UKIP or Britain First supporters fearful of immigration.

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I don't think that can be done under EU rules. We would have to leave the EU to be able to make our own rules.


It can, the Dutch have done this years ago. If you don't have a job in the Netherlands for X months/years (I believe it is three years, but can't be bothered looking it up) you don't get benefits. Simple as that.


We can and should be looking outwards too. Nothing stopping any average Brit learning German or French and working abroad.


There isn't, in fact, in the 80s British builders were extremely happy to be able to work in Germany, they did in their tens of thousands (Auf Wiedersehen Pet).


There are currently hundreds of thousands of Brits working in the EU. That does not include the hundreds of thousands that are enjoying their pensions there.

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There isn't, in fact, in the 80s British builders were extremely happy to be able to work in Germany, they did in their tens of thousands (Auf Wiedersehen Pet).


There are currently hundreds of thousands of Brits working in the EU. That does not include the hundreds of thousands that are enjoying their pensions there.


We are not by nature a wandering nation.

And we call ourselves ex-pats which is a bit strange.

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We are not by nature a wandering nation.
There's an ex- global Empire that begs to differ :hihi:

And we call ourselves ex-pats which is a bit strange.
Nothing strange about it, it not exclusive to Brits.


Guess what the French calls their emigrants? expats ;)


From 'expatriate' (expatrié in French), I believe the etymology is, as usual, Latin :)

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We are not by nature a wandering nation.

And we call ourselves ex-pats which is a bit strange.


You may not be but I spent a good part of my working life working overseas before and after we joined Europe. A lot of my friends are working there now, life was certainly a lot easier for us expats after we joined Europe.

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I Just wondered, how many people on here are voting (Either way) MAINLY on their perceptions of the current Migrant Crisis?


Of course there are many many other things to be taken into account, but I know a few people who are Pro Brexit for this simple reason.




My main issue is uncontrolled imigration , and thats why im voting OUT

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Actually, it isn't down to EU rules at all that immigrants in the UK receive certain benefits or not. That is an illusion that keeps going around. The UK can limit all sorts of social benefits to tax-paying immigrants only, no questions asked by the EU - this includes social housing and income for those not in a job at all.


What isn't included is this: An EU worker should earn the same as a British worker in Britain. The UK can not tell EU-migrants that they do not get tax-credits for example. The reason is simple - it would be discrimination.


I have said this numerous, countless, infinite times - migrants come here for work. Brexit will only change that if there is no work here. if there is no work here for migrants, there won't be work for Brits. The only way Brexit is potentially going to slow down migration significantly is by crashing the economy.


But whilt we are part of the circus in Brussels we cannot stop them coming here.

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