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Jo Cox MP shot and stabbed; has died

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This was a woman with a great career in front of her politically, a family and a husband; she has had her life snatched from her. May her family find peace in the months, years to come & may Jo Cox RIP, taken well before her time.


Words fail me really in this world we live in, respect Jo Cox xx



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This may break forum rules, I don't know as I'm not clever enough to read up on everything but there is a page to donate to charities chosen by Jo's family http://www.gofundme.com/jocox

in her memory. I know that some may not wish or be in a position to donate but after the outpouring of grief for a mummy,wife and highly respected MP some may wish to throw in their twopennorth.

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R.I.P. Jo


God knows how or why she offended this man that he could do such a manic deed and why he thought she deserved to die.


Very sad, I heard that she intervened in an argument, nothing to do with politics at all.

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