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Who will succeed Cameron?

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We will have to live with it? How stunningly pathetic as a response. Oh well, you aren't in charge and May is somewhat savvier so might decide it's not worth living with.


OK, what do you think that I should do? Moan and whinge on an unimportant northern citys forum like you? Thats all we CAN do, we cant force a revote, we cant force a GE and I am pretty sure that armed insurrection isnt on the



BTW, wheres my screwdriver? You reckon I need one because I have the cheek to disagree with you, so at least supply it :)

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OK, what do you think that I should do? Moan and whinge on an unimportant northern citys forum like you? Thats all we CAN do, we cant force a revote, we cant force a GE and I am pretty sure that armed insurrection isnt on the



BTW, wheres my screwdriver? You reckon I need one because I have the cheek to disagree with you, so at least supply it :)


What do I think you should do? How about get bent? You are boring me.


It's not cheek, it's utter and complete blind ignorant stupidity.

Edited by Radan
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Personally, I think her first act should be to go to the people to get a mandate for her actions.


she can't. PM's can't call a general election whenever they feel like it any more. I suppose she, or some other MP, could ask the Commons if they want a general election, but does anybody really think that 2/3rds, or 434 out of 650 MP's would vote for a general election even if somebody asked them?

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What do I think you should do? How about get bent? You are boring me.


It's not cheek, it's utter and complete blind ignorant stupidity.


Ahh, insults now is it? Come on then I can take it. :) Care to hand out any more insults?


Did I happen to touch a sore point? The fact that you ARE totally powerless to change anything and that all you have left is insulting people who disagree with you?

Edited by alchemist
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Ahh, insults now is it? Come on then I can take it. :) Care to hand out any more insults?


I think I will take the advice of Mark Twain; never argue with an idiot, onlookers might not be able to tell the difference.


Do not feel the need to address me further. You are on my ignore list.

Edited by Radan
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she can't. PM's can't call a general election whenever they feel like it any more. I suppose she, or some other MP, could ask the Commons if they want a general election, but does anybody really think that 2/3rds, or 434 out of 650 MP's would vote for a general election even if somebody asked them?
Don't forget the alternative under the Fixed-term Parliaments Act, i.e. a no-confidence motion against Cameron, which May could deposit as soon as she gets the leadership job.


Unlike the "2/3rds of Parliamentaries" option, only a simple majority ("more than half of those voting") is needed for that one.


See post #1180 :)

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Don't forget the alternative under the Fixed-term Parliaments Act, i.e. a no-confidence motion against Cameron, which May could deposit as soon as she gets the leadership job.


Unlike the "2/3rds of Parliamentaries" option, only a simple majority ("more than half of those voting") is needed for that one.


See post #1180 :)


I'm sort of in two minds about a GE. I want the loony Corbyn fan boys and girls to see how utterly unelectable he is.


But there's a possibility of a coalition that really doesn't appeal.

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I think I will take the advice of Mark Twain; never argue with an idiot, onlookers might not be able to tell the difference.


Do not feel the need to address me further. You are on my ignore list.


Oh, that's cut me to the core, I'm mortally wounded :)


To be on the ignore list of someone with your attitude is no shame believe me :). Still it's good to see you've admitted your failure to maintain the moral high ground :)

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