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Who will succeed Cameron?

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I love the way people dismiss Jeremy Corbyn out of hand.


Have they learnt nothing from our turbulent times the world over? Unexpected leaders are popping up all over the place. Things are no longer going as planned.


Corbyn is surprisingly popular with voters, although you wouldn't know it listening to British media. He may surprise us all yet.


He's popular-ish. Very popular with Labour membership.


Problem is the first past the post system. Unless Labour can somehow win back most of Scotland and parts of southern England it is going to be very difficult to win back power.


Speaking off the record (well on really), I believe LABOUR will have a much better chance with a younger, centre-left leader who can inspire the middle voter. Someone like a Dan Jarvis ticks the boxes.

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He's popular-ish. Very popular with Labour membership.


Problem is the first past the post system. Unless Labour can somehow win back most of Scotland and parts of southern England it is going to be very difficult to win back power.


Speaking off the record (well on really), I believe LABOUR will have a much better chance with a younger, centre-left leader who can inspire the middle voter. Someone like a Dan Jarvis ticks the boxes.


After being bitterly disappointed with the way the last moderate ran the Labour government, I'd be looking for somebody who really believes in what they're saying and will follow through. Even if I don't 100% agree with them.

That's never going to happen as long as the public sector unions are running the show. Until that gets sorted, either by removing them from the party or with a leader strong enough to stand up to them, I won't go near them.

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After being bitterly disappointed with the way the last moderate ran the Labour government, I'd be looking for somebody who really believes in what they're saying and will follow through. Even if I don't 100% agree with them.

That's never going to happen as long as the public sector unions are running the show. Until that gets sorted, either by removing them from the party or with a leader strong enough to stand up to them, I won't go near them.


Corbyn believes but it's not the populist opinion. Sometimes I feel Labour are hamstrung by his principles (like not accepting certain donations).


Unfortunately Labour went backwards as the trade unions basically ratified the Corbyn vote.


Labour are on a hiding to nothing if it doesn't gain traction quite quickly with the electorate. ATM Osborne could be PM and it wouldnt make a shred of difference to the outcome.

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Corbyn believes but it's not the populist opinion. Sometimes I feel Labour are hamstrung by his principles (like not accepting certain donations).


I used to think so too, before this referendum that is. Not now.

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Its all over bar the shouting. Brexit will win and convincingly. Cameron will resign before the end of the month.


Who will be the next PM?


Boris, IDS, Gove, May?


It wont be Corbyn so pick your right winger.


I hope your right:)


---------- Post added 23-06-2016 at 21:17 ----------


I like Michael Gove he comes across as a very sincere guy not like smarmy Cameron ,i think he would do well .

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