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Who will succeed Cameron?

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Cameron won't be PM if we leave. I would think there will be at least a year of figuring out what we want before triggering the formal 2 year process.
Regardless of whether Cameron still is PM or not -and I very much doubt he'd want to be the PM who does the deed and goes down in history for it (another point in support of my belief that he'd positively fly out of No.10 in July, Aug latest)- the markets won't let us.


Not by any stretch of the imagination.


In case of a Brexit vote, I'd give it -generously- 3 months max.

Edited by L00b
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The markets won't be PM either.
They keep the proverbial roof over the head, put the proverbial food on the table and pay the proverbial bills. Unlike the PM.


Like or loathe it, it's way of the world, has been for a long time now.


What you going to feed the kids with? More democracy? More sovereignty?


Are you telling me hardline Tories poised to step into Cameron's shoes are not logical and pragmatic? Surely not.

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It won't be IDS the 'Quiet man of politics'. George Osborne is way too calculating, probably not trusted by many, and doesn't come across very well. I'd hate it to be Boris Johnson - this whole 'bumbling village idiot' persona gets on my tits.

The Tories best shot would be Michael Gove I think.

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It won't be IDS the 'Quiet man of politics'. George Osborne is way too calculating, probably not trusted by many, and doesn't come across very well. I'd hate it to be Boris Johnson - this whole 'bumbling village idiot' persona gets on my tits.

The Tories best shot would be Michael Gove I think.


I agree but he won't do it. I know they always say they're not interested, but I believe him.

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The Tories best shot would be Michael Gove I think.


Anyone that does not like Academies, will not like Gove. Does he have any other success stories ;)


When compared to other countries, Englands schools are doing poorly.

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They keep the proverbial roof over the head, put the proverbial food on the table and pay the proverbial bills. Unlike the PM.


Like or loathe it, it's way of the world, has been for a long time now.


What you going to feed the kids with? More democracy? More sovereignty?


Are you telling me hardline Tories poised to step into Cameron's shoes are not logical and pragmatic? Surely not.


The 'markets' such as they are don't do any such thing. They make money in long and short positions and none of it actually changes the fundamentals of the economy.

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It will not be Boris Johnson. Michael Gove, if we vote to leave the EU or Theresa May in the unlikely event, if we vote to stay in the EU.


Interesting. I'm no political expert but I'd give it to Theresa May, think we need a woman in charge, think it's the right time. Other than that I don't trust any of them. Cameron, for some of his faults, I think he's the more genuine out of them and dare I say it I'm starting to like him. I can't stand Boris or Grove.


As for the other parties, I can't think of a time of being any weaker. I'd rather have Gordon Brown back I think he'd come back stronger - with a little more charisma. Or get Yvette Cooper in... Why? I just think the current lot are too egocentric hence a woman needs to step in.


Whoever does eventually step in they are going to have to be very very tough leaders because we're going to need it.

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Interesting. I'm no political expert but I'd give it to Theresa May, think we need a woman in charge, think it's the right time. Other than that I don't trust any of them. Cameron, for some of his faults, I think he's the more genuine out of them and dare I say it I'm starting to like him. I can't stand Boris or Grove.


As for the other parties, I can't think of a time of being any weaker. I'd rather have Gordon Brown back I think he'd come back stronger - with a little more charisma. Or get Yvette Cooper in... Why? I just think the current lot are too egocentric hence a woman needs to step in.


Whoever does eventually step in they are going to have to be very very tough leaders because we're going to need it.


And women can't be egocentric? The 1980s weren't called the 'me, me, me' decade for nothing, you know.

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