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Who will succeed Cameron?

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Funnily enough I was unaware that Brexiters were spitting out their dummies. That seems to have been the domain of a few of the remain camp who haven't yet worked out that their side lost the referendum.


And just in case they started to get their hopes up...http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/theresa-may-brexit-means-brexit-conservative-leadership-no-attempt-remain-inside-eu-leave-europe-a7130596.html:clap::clap:


Which is why she had the support of 2/3 of the party membership even before Leadsom pulled out.


Oh Foxy, again so vacant in rational thought. There are bound to be Brexiters gutted that a Brexiter will now not be PM. Which is very amusing.


Did May say that before Leadsom quit? Maybe she was fibbing.

Edited by Radan
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Funnily enough I was unaware that Brexiters were spitting out their dummies. That seems to have been the domain of a few of the remain camp who haven't yet worked out that their side lost the referendum.


And just in case they started to get their hopes up...http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/theresa-may-brexit-means-brexit-conservative-leadership-no-attempt-remain-inside-eu-leave-europe-a7130596.html:clap::clap:


Sorry to disappoint but the real experts on the law say its not a done deal yet.


Brexit vote not legally binding, Parliament should have final say - top lawyers



Which is why she had the support of 2/3 of the party membership even before Leadsom pulled out.


How did you come to this conclusion? the membership had yet to be asked.

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Oh Foxy, again so vacant in rational thought. There are bound to be Brexiters gutted that a Brexiter will now not be PM. Which is very amusing.


Did May say that before Leadsom quit? Maybe she was fibbing.


Oh well. It clearly doesn't take much to amuse you. As a Brexiter my only concern is that we leave the EU. Who is driving the bus at the time is of no interest. It is the final destination that matters, and Theresa May has clearly stated that is the direction she will be taking. The fact that a few posts back May becoming leader gave you another straw to cling on to for a few brief seconds is rather amusing though.


---------- Post added 11-07-2016 at 12:39 ----------






How did you come to this conclusion? the membership had yet to be asked.


They ran a opinion poll of the membership over the weekend.


And the Referendum Bill got full parliamentary assent through both the House of Commons, The Lords and finally Royal assent.

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An amusing hustings last week:


According to one member of the audience, Andrea Leadsom was guilty of a “car crash” performance during her first Tory leadership hustings in the Commons.


One MP described her views as “rather off the wall”, while a Theresa May supporter claimed that Ms Leadsom would run into “deep trouble” in head-to-head debates with the Home Secretary in front of party activists.


The energy minister came under pressure over Ukip’s apparent backing for her candidature and baffled some MPs by talking about “the frontal cortex of a baby’s brain”.


Ms Leadsom’s political and personal outlook will come under intense scrutiny if – as looks increasingly likely – she contests Ms May for the keys to Downing Street.


Thank goodness she's stood down. She was out of her depth for the role. Corbyn ought to take note.



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Oh well. It clearly doesn't take much to amuse you. As a Brexiter my only concern is that we leave the EU. Who is driving the bus at the time is of no interest. It is the final destination that matters, and Theresa May has clearly stated that is the direction she will be taking. The fact that a few posts back May becoming leader gave you another straw to cling on to for a few brief seconds is rather amusing though.


Now the leadership is sorted out we can progress with negotiations. Do you deny the possibility that if all we can manage is a ****-poor deal that isn't in Britain's best interests May wouldn't say, let's stay in? You can say that with absolute 100% confidence? Would you bet your made up £100,000 Aston fund on it (if it was real that is)?


As Tinf hinted at the top of the page, May favours EEA membership. All the EU, none of the say. Was that what you had in mind when you voted Leave?

Edited by Radan
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