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Who will succeed Cameron?

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Don't forget the alternative under the Fixed-term Parliaments Act, i.e. a no-confidence motion against Cameron, which May could deposit as soon as she gets the leadership job.


Unlike the "2/3rds of Parliamentaries" option, only a simple majority ("more than half of those voting") is needed for that one.


See post #1180 :)


I thought for the first instance it had to be a vote of no confidence in the government, not the leader.




It would be rather bizarre for May to propose a motion of no confidence in her own government - although the way things are going at the moment..........................

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There isn't going to be a General Election. Even if May could call one - which she can't - then why should she.


For the same reason Brown should have called one. When the going gets tough which it will, then she will be accused of having no mandate.

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Guest sibon
There isn't going to be a General Election. Even if May could call one - which she can't - then why should she.


Because she will win easily. This will strengthen her hand. She can't possibly limp on with a tiny majority for the next four years.

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Now the next PM is sorted, if she is unable to get a deal that is not detrimental to Great Britain compared to continued EU membership she should have the courage to keep us in the EU, or face being regarded as one of the worst PMs this country has ever had.


If you don't agree with that you must have a screw loose.


The trouble with doing that is that it would destroy the Conservative party whilst also ensuring that the Conservatives never get a sniff at power again. May's not that stupid and neither are the people that have put her there.

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I have no problems with May, or April come to that. Didnt care too much for Jun, too cold and wet. :)


As for the agreement, she should try and get the best agreement she can and if thats not brilliant then we will have to live with it. I dont agree that just because a vote went the wrong way that it should be ignored. Now if that means I need a screwdriver I can live with that, just pass it over :)

Excellent post.

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The trouble with doing that is that it would destroy the Conservative party whilst also ensuring that the Conservatives never get a sniff at power again. May's not that stupid and neither are the people that have put her there.


I'm not suggesting she does it single handed. She should of course consult with her Government.


If she says (or rather the team she assigns to deal with it says), honestly and frankly, look chaps and chappesses, Brexit isn't looking all that hot a prospect, shall we stay in? I'd hope she'd get the support required.


Who knows though. She might get us a really good deal.


But I cannot see history looking back kindly on a PM that dragged half the country kicking and screaming from the EU in exchange for a crappy deal, especially if its patently obvious that its a crappy deal.


We live in a democracy, but not a direct democracy. The public gave their guidance, the representatives have the final call.

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The trouble with doing that is that it would destroy the Conservative party whilst also ensuring that the Conservatives never get a sniff at power again. May's not that stupid and neither are the people that have put her there.

Exactly ...


---------- Post added 11-07-2016 at 19:36 ----------


I'm not suggesting she does it single handed. She should of course consult with her Government.


If she says (or rather the team she assigns to deal with it says), honestly and frankly, look chaps and chappesses, Brexit isn't looking all that hot a prospect, shall we stay in? I'd hope she'd get the support required.


Who knows though. She might get us a really good deal.


But I cannot see history looking back kindly on a PM that dragged half the country kicking and screaming from the EU in exchange for a crappier deal.


We live in a democracy, but not a direct democracy. The public gave their guidance, the representatives have the final call.

The public vote to leave the EU for better or worse. The UK is leaving the EU.

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Best news since Brexit.


May the Remaininator for PM. Whoop!!


Now Brexiters, don't start spitting your dummies out like you have been saying to us for weeks. Ha Ha bloody ha.


You are fortunate that your political will coincided with Murdoch's....this time.


May has repeatedly said she is committed to Brexit.


She played an unconvincing role in a weak Remain campaign.


Even if I was displeased with the outcome, I wouldn't be demanding a re-run.


No dummies here.

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Exactly ...


---------- Post added 11-07-2016 at 19:36 ----------


The public vote to leave the EU for better or worse. The UK is leaving the EU.


Answer the question I asked. If we leave the EU and the best deal we get is an EEA one, would you be happy or would you rather we stayed in the EU??

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