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Who will succeed Cameron?

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Answer the question I asked. If we leave the EU and the best deal we get is an EEA one, would you be happy or would you rather we stayed in the EU??


With all the brexiters shouting "Out is Out" and "The vote was clear" yes it was, it was to leave the EU. We can stay as part of the EEA as that was never the question.

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Answer the question I asked. If we leave the EU and the best deal we get is an EEA one, would you be happy or would you rather we stayed in the EU??

I am not familiar with the EEA


I am not going to pretend I know about the EEA


I am not going to Google about the EAA and then pretend I am an expert about it.


I voted to leave the EU and the UK is leaving the EU. I am happy. :)

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I am not familiar with the EEA


I am not going to pretend I know about the EEA


I am not going to Google about the EAA and then pretend I am an expert about it.


I voted to leave the EU and the UK is leaving the EU. I am happy. :)


I appreciate your honesty. You should Google it though. You might not be happy after.


Dear oh dear.....

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I am not familiar with the EEA


I am not going to pretend I know about the EEA


I am not going to Google about the EAA and then pretend I am an expert about it.


I voted to leave the EU and the UK is leaving the EU. I am happy. :)


That stance makes no rational sense.

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Because she will win easily. This will strengthen her hand. She can't possibly limp on with a tiny majority for the next four years.


She would undoubtably win, but then that would be the end of Corbyn.


Call an election now and get another 5 years guaranteed, or wait 4 years have an election and have a further 5 years guaranteed.


On top of that in another 4 years the Labour Party is very likely to have torn itself to shreads because of Corbyn. So waiting until 2020 for an election probably keeps Labour out of power for a generation.

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Guest makapaka

Why didn't Cameron just stay?


He said he was leaving because of Brexit and he campaigned for remain - but all the the Brexit divs have gone now and now we've got a PM that campaigned for remain also.

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