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Who will succeed Cameron?

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Why didn't Cameron just stay?


He said he was leaving because of Brexit and he campaigned for remain - but all the the Brexit divs have gone now and now we've got a PM that campaigned for remain also.


Cameron lost the referendum and knew he was finished, which is why he didn't stay. Boris knew he was finished when Gove stabbed him in the back. Gove was finished when everyone knew he had stabbed Boris in the back. Mrs Leadsom was finished when she shot herself in the foot. Mrs May did more sitting on the fence than campaigning, which is why she is the new Prime Minister.

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I thought for the first instance it had to be a vote of no confidence in the government, not the leader.




It would be rather bizarre for May to propose a motion of no confidence in her own government - although the way things are going at the moment..........................

I didn't think Cameron was going to vacate no.10 that quick and hadn't yet seen his address, when I posted at 16:04.


---------- Post added 11-07-2016 at 21:34 ----------


I am not familiar with the EEA


I am not going to pretend I know about the EEA


I am not going to Google about the EAA and then pretend I am an expert about it.


I voted to leave the EU and the UK is leaving the EU. I am happy. :)

That's worthy of a double face palm, bordering on a triple :hihi::hihi::hihi: Edited by L00b
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I am not familiar with the EEA


I am not going to pretend I know about the EEA


I am not going to Google about the EAA and then pretend I am an expert about it.


I voted to leave the EU and the UK is leaving the EU. I am happy. :)


So if the EU just changed its name UE would you be happy then?

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If everyone who was asked this in their way into the polling station, I doubt the percentage of people would be very high, amongst remainers or brexiters.
Reading this, I'm reminded of Churchill's famous quote about democracy being the least worst system of governance :D


I'll never wish for the stupid or the ignorant or the prejudiced to be deprived of their right to democracy and to vote. It doesn't mean I have to respect them and that I have to refrain from calling them out about their voting choice. For that is also democracy. Tough gig this democracy business, innit? :)

Edited by L00b
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