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Who will succeed Cameron?

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So the PM resigned thinking a Brexit leader would be best suited to take country forward- then sees all the Brexit leaders cowardly make their way out...and now someone who backed Remain is going to be the new PM.


Cameron should have just waited patiently rather than announce resignation.

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She's been a senior cabinet member for years, why hasn't brought those qualities already?


She's a brilliant selection and will now be in safe hands for the people who work hard.


In answer to your question. She has according to me and will thrive in her position. I think exiters getting their own way was actually a blessing now. Something good as come out of this after all!

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Reading this, I'm reminded of Churchill's famous quote about democracy being the least worst system of governance :D


Very wise. It's close to my stance, but the problem is that whatever system is in place, you can't please 100% of the people, and it manifests in a different way these days (post 90's), i.e. ease of information exchange via the internet/ mainly social media means that although you'd think propaganda was more difficult these days, it's just as easy/even easier using this new medium. Almost certainly easier for the far right and far left, in that order.



I'll never wish for the stupid or the ignorant or the prejudiced to be deprived of their right to democracy and to vote. It doesn't mean I have to respect them and that I have to refrain from calling them out about their voting choice. For that is also democracy. Tough gig this democracy business, innit? :)


#SuperTotally...!!(!x10) :D



I'll never wish for the stupid or the ignorant or the prejudiced to be deprived of their right to democracy and to vote. It doesn't mean I have to respect them and that I have to refrain from calling them out about their voting choice. For that is also democracy. Tough gig this democracy business, innit? :)


Do you think people judge all people on their voting choice? (I know you don't but many here do, and on social media it's the same)


Do you consider me thick for example L00b? I don't mind you answering that.


I have said why I chose my vote WAY before the campaign (I think the EU is finished and we're better off out, and I know we have discussed this in another one so no need to bring that up), and although I'd pretty much made my mind up - I was open to listening the campaign, and I thought the remain one was poor. DC was poor, and all the lefties women I saw were dreadful (I had to dismiss the SNP speakers as their position in the whole thing was more complex). The leave one wasn't good at all really either. (I pretty much dismissed all the UKIP talk too for same reason as SNP)


So I stuck to my belief. And I still stand behind it, and still think the same.


I said the markets would be slightly worrying in the first few days, which isn't exactly rocket science, but it seems like a shock to all!




I was chatting to an old workmate the other day, and we talked briefly about this, and she said 'I didn't vote, I don't really know much about it all'. I've picked up loads of people in my cab who have said the same.


Are they more stupid than me? Are they more stupid than the ones that voted out who were racist? Am I more stupid for voting for what I believe is the right decision?


The level of patronising on the forum (not ness you btw) has increased beyond belief this week or two. No different to when Tory won the last election when people were asking for a revote because only 0.002% of the population voted tory (when you include lizards).


I'm still waiting as usual for people to respond to my replies, when I try and discuss sensibly 1 2

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She'll be a fair PM. The country and party are now in a strong position and will govern for years to come.

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She'll be a fair PM. The country and party are now in a strong position and will govern for years to come.


Mmm. Regrettably.


My vain hope s that the shrinking libertarian faction will succeed in reining in her most illiberal tendencies.

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TBF, She's been Home Sec for 6 years. Whatever you think of her, just that fact speaks volumes for her determination and political acumen.


Really, I'd have thought it spoke volumes about doing a middling cabinet job whilst an utter cretin like Osborne had the 2nd to top job.


Whilst in her position she's not managed a major f up, she's alienated the police but that's par for course for tory ministers. The education sec is hated by teachers, the health sec is hated by everybody and the home sec is hated by the police.


Her speech today was reasonable. One Nation stuff. Fine. Lets just remember the very first, the very first, policy this Tory Govt tried to pass. It wasn't about economics, or immigration, or defence, or social justice......it was fox hunting. Priorities?

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