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24 Hour McDonald Ecclesfield Objections need to be in BEFORE JUNE 22nd

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“The proposed development will provide over 65 jobs for the community. Sufficient parking has been provided at the restaurant with accessible parking located as close to the restaurant entrance as possible.


“In light of the above, we trust officers are able to support the application.”


Looks like it could be going ahead even though more than 80 people are objecting. It's a small percentage to the amount of people it would benefit.


---------- Post added 27-06-2016 at 09:31 ----------


Better than the drug - den it has been recently then?


You'll find drugs in most boozers now we don't live in the Stone Age anymore. Either way shouldn't mean they should be closing all pubs to change them into supermarkets or takeaways.

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“The proposed development will provide over 65 jobs for the community. .


Will it? Generally job adverts are open to applicants wherever they live, in which case, statistically, it's likely most of those jobs will be taken by people outside of the community.


---------- Post added 28-06-2016 at 22:20 ----------



Some potential problems include


Traffic congestion in an area already troubled with congestion due on street parking by staff from the bus depot, and other surrounding businesses + buses waiting their standing times and driver swap overs. Excessive waiting times at the traffic-lights due to access to Morrisions via traffic lights especially at peak traffic times.

South Yorshire Police have a Sub Divisional HQ next door and increased congestion may very well negativly impact on police vehicles ability to access their HQ

The problems the constant smell of fast food, litter, unwanted gangs of youths, noise and the eyesore of a 24 hour Light up McDonalds sign on 24 hours a day

Also McDonalds have only informed the 10 closest addresses to the proposed site which I feel is very sneaky as it has a much wider impact on the area than that


Also, there's a couple of actual problems as well i.e. the 'food' sold there is known toxic rubbish of the kind that is proven to greatly increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease, as well as being intentionally addictive.


Plus, the fact that outlets of this type are directly responsible for unimaginable levels of animal cruelty, along with all the destructive environmental consequences of the meat and dairy industry.

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Will it? Generally job adverts are open to applicants wherever they live, in which case, statistically, it's likely most of those jobs will be taken by people outside of the community.


---------- Post added 28-06-2016 at 22:20 ----------



Also, there's a couple of actual problems as well i.e. the 'food' sold there is known toxic rubbish of the kind that is proven to greatly increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease, as well as being intentionally addictive.


Plus, the fact that outlets of this type are directly responsible for unimaginable levels of animal cruelty, along with all the destructive environmental consequences of the meat and dairy industry.


Neither are the ones you added are valid planning objections. Neither are some of the ones you quoted....

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Also, there's a couple of actual problems as well i.e. the 'food' sold there is known toxic rubbish of the kind that is proven to greatly increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease, as well as being intentionally addictive.


Toxic rubbish?




We only use whole cuts of forequarter and flank, which are simply minced and shaped into burger patties. Once the patties are made, they are frozen, carefully packed and delivered to our restaurants.


We do not add anything to the beef patties except for a sprinkling of salt and pepper after cooking.



Plus, the fact that outlets of this type are directly responsible for unimaginable levels of animal cruelty, along with all the destructive environmental consequences of the meat and dairy industry.


McDonalds is clear on their stance on food, and has been for a number of years. Can you provide any evidence to the contrary?


McDonald's backs animal welfare to satisfy customers



What are McDonald's animal welfare standards and policies?


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Neither are the ones you added are valid planning objections. Neither are some of the ones you quoted....


I know they're not planning objections- never said they were.


They are, nevertheless, facts. It's a fact that these places sell toxic 'food' which cause the chronic conditions currently rife in our society (heart disease, diabetes and obesity), that they cause immeasurable suffering to billions of animals and are a prime factor in environmental destruction which, as far as we can tell, could well destroy human life on our planet.


But, as you point out, they are not valid planning objections, though, in a sane world, clearly they would be (assuming that people cared about human health, animal welfare and keeping Earth habitable).

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Well they arent facts, as demostrated above by Alchresearch.


America alone slaughters 150,000,000 animals every day. I think, in terms of understanding, we're well past the point where the killing of living beings, regardless of the methods, can be associated with the term 'humane'?


Obesity, diabetes and heart disease are called 'lifestyle diseases' by our medical profession- the reason being that bad diet choices are proven to be a prime cause of them- the eating of the 'food' sold by Mcdonalds being one of those bad diet choices.


When it comes to the potential total destruction of the environment as a result of the animal industry, lets hope I'm completely deluded and that you and alchresearch are correct.


My bit of 'positive outlook' on that issue is that, at least I don't have children, so, if the atmosphere does switch to something less oxygen based, I don't have to worry about my children dying horrible deaths.


Do you two have children? If so, you might want to consider dropping the blinkers and facing up to the reality you're setting them up for.



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America alone slaughters 150,000,000 animals every day. I think, in terms of understanding, we're well past the point where the killing of living beings, regardless of the methods, can be associated with the term 'humane'?





I didnt realise your pedantry about the term "humane" stretched as far as killing animlas for their meat in the first place. I assume you are a vegan or a vegetarian, or you are being very hypocritical here.


How would you like a retailer on the scale of McDonalds to acquire its meat? Wait for the animals to die of natural causes first, perhaps?

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Will it? Generally job adverts are open to applicants wherever they live, in which case, statistically, it's likely most of those jobs will be taken by people outside of the community.


---------- Post added 28-06-2016 at 22:20 ----------



Also, there's a couple of actual problems as well i.e. the 'food' sold there is known toxic rubbish of the kind that is proven to greatly increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease, as well as being intentionally addictive.


Plus, the fact that outlets of this type are directly responsible for unimaginable levels of animal cruelty, along with all the destructive environmental consequences of the meat and dairy industry.


Does it really matter whether the jobs provided might be taken by people living outside the community ? Employment is employment choose where you happen to live. :huh:

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Do you two have children? If so, you might want to consider dropping the blinkers and facing up to the reality you're setting them up for.


Yep, two girls, aged 5 and 11. We might go to McD's once a month on average.


And I'd imagine that the chicken nuggets they eat there are far healthier than the ones you buy from the supermarket, certainly additive wise.


And I would rank McDonalds far above any other takeaway or greasy spoon for the quality of their food. I've seen the most disgusting smart price type Bacon and the cheapest eggs used at my local café.


McDonalds isn't the problem, people not having any self-restraint is.

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