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24 Hour McDonald Ecclesfield Objections need to be in BEFORE JUNE 22nd

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Does it really matter whether the jobs provided might be taken by people living outside the community ? Employment is employment choose where you happen to live. :huh:


It matters in relation to the claim my post was addressing, yes.




“The proposed development will provide over 65 jobs for the community. Sufficient parking has been provided at the restaurant with accessible parking located as close to the restaurant entrance as possible.


“In light of the above, we trust officers are able to support the application.”


---------- Post added 29-06-2016 at 15:22 ----------


I didnt realise your pedantry about the term "humane" stretched as far as killing animlas for their meat in the first place.
Well, now you do. Though my main objections are the scale of it (150,000,000 slaughtered today, and every day, in the US alone), and, the horrific conditions they have to endure every day of their lives, before being killed.



How would you like a retailer on the scale of McDonalds to acquire its meat? Wait for the animals to die of natural causes first, perhaps?

I'd like Mcdonalds, and all other purveyors 'food' proven to be responsible for our epidemics of heart disease, diabetes and obesity, as well as animal torture on a gross scale, to not exist.


And I'd like the animal food industry to be, in the first instance, scaled back to the point where the animals can, at least, be kept in genuinely humane conditions, rather than the current death-camp style ones. A rough estimate would be, scaled back to around 1/20th the numbers it currently is.


That would also greatly reduce the impact of animal agriculture on human health, and, our environment.


---------- Post added 29-06-2016 at 15:27 ----------



McDonalds isn't the problem, people not having any self-restraint is.

Never said it was. There isn't a 'the problem. But, it's one of the main ones.


And yes, when it comes to 'food' that's deliberately designed to be addictive/habit forming, there's going to be an issue with 'self-restraint'. Duh!!


How about we don't routinely encourage 'food' businesses to target our children with food known to be addictive/habit forming in the first place, to tackle the rather obvious fact that humans fed addictive substances will have issues with restraint.


After all, we did the same where alcohol/tobacco and children are concerned, and that seems to actually work quite well, doesn't it?

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