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24 Hour McDonald Ecclesfield Objections need to be in BEFORE JUNE 22nd

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if they want to sell halal burgers why not open there own burger place?


I don't think McDonalds would allow a great portion of its breakfast menu to be altered, which would need doing if the restaurant went halal.


KFC manages to do it, maybe McDonald's realises that it needs to get multicultural?

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KFC manages to do it, maybe McDonald's realises that it needs to get multicultural?


Or maybe it knows they don't have to cater to a minority and the negative feedback when pork is removed from the menu.


The media has been quick to attack Halal KFCs in the past and this forum has had lengthy lively discussion on the subject.


KFC forced to ditch halal-only menus after disappointing sales


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It will be a halal McDonald's franchise according to someone I know, thanks for your support! :thumbsup:


Read the bit where it says as a franchisee you own your own business and can set your own long term plan= http://www.mcdonalds.co.uk/ukhome/People/Franchising.html/franchising-explained.html

Mc Donald's as a company won't supply halal but nothing to stop franchisees using halal meat products ie burgers, chicken etc... :)


It all gets a bit complicated when various food stuffs are not allowed. Like I said earlier I don't mind as long as customers are advised if its Halal. They can eat it or go elsewhere.


It would worry me that because some of the staff are not well educated and to be blunt racist they may contaminate halal meals with pork. It wouldn't be hard.

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What are the specifics of even stuff like storage though?


Can pork/halal be stored in the same room, or same building?

Transported in the same truck?


Can you cook it in the same room, on adjacent cookers, on the same cooker but at other ends?


Are the rules even set in stone or open for interpretation anyway??

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What are the specifics of even stuff like storage though?


Can pork/halal be stored in the same room, or same building?

Transported in the same truck?


Can you cook it in the same room, on adjacent cookers, on the same cooker but at other ends?


Are the rules even set in stone or open for interpretation anyway??


It is assumed that all those involved in the production of Halal food are respectful of the people who want it. It only take one brain dead racist moron and the halal food is not halal food. If I was a practising Muslim I wouldn't eat anything prepared by none Muslims. Too risky.

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It all gets a bit complicated when various food stuffs are not allowed. Like I said earlier I don't mind as long as customers are advised if its Halal. They can eat it or go elsewhere.


It would worry me that because some of the staff are not well educated and to be blunt racist they may contaminate halal meals with pork. It wouldn't be hard.



This happens anyway. The fish burgers (and the old veggie burgers) are often cooked in the same vats as the chicken products.


I didn't think to ask about the breakfast menu and the occasional bacon burger they do, I shall ask.


This is only an application and the request has been made for a halal site. Perhaps Mcdonalds will reject it.


However, the potential of contamination has been considered and the brothers say that they will only be hiring Muslims.


I am playing football with one of them on Saturday, I will tell them about this thread and see if they are willing to come and address the coments.


From what I understand the halal idea is purely a business rather than a religious one. They feel that there is the demand for a halal Mcdonalds. The younger one, the one I know properly isn't all that fussed about religion.

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