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24 Hour McDonald Ecclesfield Objections need to be in BEFORE JUNE 22nd

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There's 2 24hr ones at Meadowhall 1 at Handsworth and 1 at Drakehouse


There is only one 24 hour one at Meadowhall, at the retail park. There is also one at the bottom of Granville Road. But apparently one for the whole of Sheffield is sufficient, according to some...

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There are four branches of Morrisons in Sheffield, five if you include Catcliffe, maybe we should get three/four of them to close as clearly you think only one of anything is enough.


If your only argument against this is there is one a few miles down the road, or you can get a coffee down the road at a store that isn't 24 hour, then it's all a bit desperate.


i was just pointing out there are 24hr mc donalds outside of the city centre, I'm more concerned about the traffic problems it will cause.


wouldn't an halal mc donalds be more popular if it was situated closer to firth park?

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i was just pointing out there are 24hr mc donalds outside of the city centre, I'm more concerned about the traffic problems it will cause.


wouldn't an halal mc donalds be more popular if it was situated closer to firth park?


I doubt the main selling point will be the Halal aspect, one assumes the franchise holder just so happens to run a franchise which is Halal and is not deviating from his business model. Guessing the same franchise as the one in Darnall.

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i was just pointing out there are 24hr mc donalds outside of the city centre, I'm more concerned about the traffic problems it will cause.


I'd have thought the Morrisons just up the road would attract far more traffic - certainly the case at Hillsborough.


What %age increase in traffic will a McDonalds bring? Reckon we're looking at low single figures.

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To All Residents and business owners of The Common/Greenlane Area of Ecclesfield.


Sheffield City Council are considering planns to allow a 24 hour McDonalds on the site of the old police training building at the Junction of The Common and Green Lane.

Several people have already lodged objections Please do the same BEFORE JUNE 22nd by visiting


You will need to Click on "register" and fill out your details. Once you have confirmed your registration you can search for 16/01781/FUL register you objection and leave a comment.


Some potential problems include


Traffic congestion in an area already troubled with congestion due on street parking by staff from the bus depot, and other surrounding businesses + buses waiting their standing times and driver swap overs. Excessive waiting times at the traffic-lights due to access to Morrisions via traffic lights especially at peak traffic times.

South Yorshire Police have a Sub Divisional HQ next door and increased congestion may very well negativly impact on police vehicles ability to access their HQ

The problems the constant smell of fast food, litter, unwanted gangs of youths, noise and the eyesore of a 24 hour Light up McDonalds sign on 24 hours a day

Also McDonalds have only informed the 10 closest addresses to the proposed site which I feel is very sneaky as it has a much wider impact on the area than that


Traffic congestion in this area could be eased if the signal sequence/filter system at the Travellers wasn't absolutely ridiculous.


They could build a McDonalds, a KFC, and a football stadium in the area and things would move faster than now if they altered this to make sense.

Edited by Groose
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Traffic congestion in this area could be eased if the signal sequence/filter system at the Travellers wasn't absolutely ridiculous.


They could build a McDonalds, a KFC, and a football stadium in the area and things would move faster than now if they altered this to make sense.



I suppose McDonalds will pay for the road alterations? like Sainsbury's did?


not sure whether that made things better or worse

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I suppose McDonalds will pay for the road alterations? like Sainsbury's did?


not sure whether that made things better or worse


The junction doesn't need altering at the moment. It's the sequence and filtering IMO, as I said.


If McD paid for alterations, and that included that the sequence being reprogrammed to make sense, then I'll be voting in favour of it, since the council don't care now.


I suppose McDonalds will pay for the road alterations? like Sainsbury's did?


not sure whether that made things better or worse


It's worse at this junction now, but wasn't suggesting a new junction at Eccles.

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Trolls should feel perfectly free to troll away I wont be biting :) This is posted as a heads up for those locals who haven't heard. Enjoy!!!


Why are they trolling?


I'm a local resident. I hadn't heard.


I think it's an absolutey brilliant idea. You can't post something then when people disagree simply label them trolls.

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