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What are the best policies made in the last 25 years?

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As per the question really. The last 25 years would include John majors last stand, the Blair and brown years, the coalition and Cameron. It includes good times and bad.


What policy has any of them brought that makes you think - "wow, that made my life so much better".

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The increase in the personal tax allowance has made a positive, if small, difference to people like me. My OH and I are pensioners, with no realistic chance of increasing our income. Many pensioners who made the effort to have a little extra in retirement have found that if they hadn't they'd have got pension credit anyway.


I'll go with the smoking ban too.

Edited by Ms Macbeth
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The tax allowance increase has seen huge benefits to millions of people.


The indoor smoking ban was a great idea, but implemented poorly (much like the "bedroom tax"). It shouldn't have ever applied to all pubs or clubs, some should have been able to retain a smoking licence so that people who wanted to could have a beer and a fag. If you didn't want to be in that environment, you simply went to a different pub.

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