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What are the best policies made in the last 25 years?

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I have to say whilst all the suggestions (well nearly all) have a lot of merit there's not a real ground breaker in there. There's not another NHS, or a New Deal just tinkering round the edges. Are governments devoid of ideas, gumption or in this modern world have we cracked it?


I think that the 'poverty of ambition' that some of todays politicians accuse many young people of could equally be applied to them.


I'm thinking of New Labour in this respect. Many of the media and marketing techniques that they adopted, ensures that anything that is remotely interesting gets shelved in favour of the bland - so as not to upset their target voters / audience.

Even things that seem tame now - in the 1960s - (e.g. decriminalisation of sex between men, Open University, massive programme of house building, introduction of more worker rights, abolition of Capital Punishment) were considered revolutionary - and hated by the right wing press, and many of the public. Nevertheless the Government were undaunted.


Perhaps that generation of Politicians who had been through the privations of the 1930s, fought in WWII had much more of a vision. They certainly had more of a vision and backbone than the vapid, spineless and pampered lot that we're lumbered with today.

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As per the question really. The last 25 years would include John majors last stand, the Blair and brown years, the coalition and Cameron. It includes good times and bad.


What policy has any of them brought that makes you think - "wow, that made my life so much better".


That affect me directly the most in terms of life quality?


Countryside and Rights of Way act


Smoking ban.


Overall for the country in terms of policies?


Tax reduction and giving people greater personal accountability, ie shrinking the state where it is not especially needed.

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Those are the three worst things ever thought up .


The Hunting ban is just ignored ,and rightly so

The Human rights act is pathetic and the smoking ban was just the government bowing down to the health freaks.


This health freak thoroughly enjoys not having to breath in the acrid smoke of unhealth freaks such as yourself. I can now go to the pub and not get cancer and also more importantly not stink like you do (if you smoke that is)


---------- Post added 20-06-2016 at 15:04 ----------


I'm not sure if the smoking ban was a good idea. I think it should have been up to the landlords..


Why do they get to choose whether they can impact the health of other people? no one should have the right to do that. public houses are public therefore anyone should be able to enter them without having their health negatively impacted.


The smoking ban for me is one of the most memorable positive changes that has improved the lives of many of the last 25 years.

Edited by TimmyR
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Hunting ban (though too weak), gay marriage, Irish peace process, devolved government in Wales and Scotland, pension credit, return of London-wide government, tax credits, human rights, smoking ban.


Tax credits are a disaster.


---------- Post added 20-06-2016 at 15:24 ----------


Well they chose to work in a bar.


And miners chose to work in mines, but we still made them as safe as possible. :roll:


---------- Post added 20-06-2016 at 15:25 ----------


The problem is the Lefties throw the Race card around like confetti . The mere mention of Immigration is enough to get them shouting " Racist" .


---------- Post added 19-06-2016 at 19:47 ----------



No one was forced to work in a smokey pub.


Someone should never face the choice between work in an unsafe environment or quit. :rant:

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