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Better behaved young people?

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Ah well yes Red. I would say so, due to more people, more exposure to other people's acts through social media etc.


The social media and availability for information exchange is so vast now, that at worse, people if they wish can commit heinous crimes, and get themselves promoted to most important person in the world - all fuelled by the greed of the media and their moral panics (currently using the words Terror/ism), and in general people's desire for as many things to judge as their brains can cope with. That's why people are attached to their phones all day.


We're finished I think. (though that might seem a little pessimistic :hihi:)


I think (and I'm on my phone) that violent crime numbers are generally dropping since 1995. http://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/bulletins/crimeinenglandandwales/2015-07-16#violent-crime

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It may be because the young uns know getting pregnant no longer guarantees then a council house.


The teen pregnancy rate has been falling across all of Europe for 4 decades now. The rate of the fall in the UK is actually amongst the lowest as we've been resistant to good sex education at an early age.

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The whole thing is based on a report on US teens though, so european or UK rates of teen pregnancy haven't even been looked at.




Better contraceptive use is very likely part of the reason the past few decades have seen a dramatic decline in teen birth rates.

That's pretty clear though. (That and less sex generally).

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Do you mean kids are more intelligent, or the school hammer the children to become 'normal'; no freaky hair, must wear uniform, shoes must be black leather ....... .......


No that isn't it, the same is happening in the Netherlands where they don't need uniforms.


I was talking to an ex-colleague about how life was the other day. He said that since I worked there the kids seem to be different, more polite, more focussed.


Either parents have got the fear of god in them and are telling their kids that they need to perform to have a good life later, or the kids have worked out other ways of throwing a strop (CS:GO, Minecraft etc.)

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These things change generation to generation don't they. It's down to society, to parental attitudes, etc...

The rise of the helicopter parent, lack of independent play for children, schools where nobody loses in competitive sports (or where they've simply eliminated them). Perhaps the youngest generation simply don't know how to rebel because they're still clutching onto mummies skirts?

Perhaps the older ones have simply been scared by the media?


If you've never climbed a tree under your own supervision, and then fallen out of it and had to take yourself home with skinned knees and a tear in your shirt, maybe any of the later "misbehaving" that the study identifies (such as drinking and sex) is simply something you wouldn't even think about.


Come to think of it, I think there was a UK study, because it mentioned the fact that more Muslims don't drink alcohol than other religions, and you can see this reflected in the report in certain locations where % wise there are more Muslim teens.


Can't find it though, my google foo has failed me.


---------- Post added 20-06-2016 at 08:27 ----------


Found it




The data is striking. In Great Britain:

Those aged under 25 are a third more likely to be teetotal now than in 2005

A quarter of young people do not drink at all

Illegal drug use among the under-25s has also fallen by more than a quarter since 2004

The number of nightclubs has almost halved since 2005

Teenage pregnancy is at its lowest since records began in England and Wales in 1969

The number of crimes committed by under-18s in England and Wales has fallen by 70% since 2005, to a new record low, according to the Office of National Statistics

Edited by Cyclone
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Guest makapaka

the governments constant health warnings have probably stopped a lot of young people with drinking.


The guidelines say you can't drink in a week what some people drank in a few hours once upon a time.

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Doesn't seemed to have stopped many of the millenials that I know. I was at a student party last weekend and they were happily putting away the tequila and vodka liqueur that I donated.


That said, there are more students in the club who don't drink these days, ten years ago it would have been none, today, maybe one or two each year...


No smokers in the club, but then that's almost always been the case, over the last 20 years doing and then teaching my martial art I've only known a handful of smokers, I guess that exercising hard and smoking never go hand in hand, so it's a self selecting group which doesn't attract smokers.


The increase in tuition fee's seems to have made people more concerned with working for their degree's though, definitely a higher level of conscientiousness in the last 5 years.

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