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No GP appointments for 4 weeks !

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One of the problems is that now appointments are sometimes so far ahead, people forget they've even made them. Yes,Ii know you usually get a little card with the date and time on, in which case the organised among us enter it into our little diaries, but the disorganised don't, and then they lose the little card etc. etc.


Not an excuse, just a reason why it might happen...


Presumably if they can "forget" then they weren't actually ill enough to need to see a Dr in the first place.


---------- Post added 23-06-2016 at 08:41 ----------


Most people pay taxes, why should we have to put up with pain and discomfort becuase the GP are not working efficent? if i had a job and it was busy i rather work overtime and have happy people rather them let all the poor people suffer in pain for weeks


An interesting assertion.


Are most people 'net' tax payers though?


How are the GPs not working efficiently? They get 7 minutes to see each patient, most surgeries are over subscribed with patients.

You'd rather work overtime, do you imagine that all GPs are the same as you? Do they have no life outside work, no families, no social commitments? Are you expecting them to work overtime for an entire working life!


---------- Post added 23-06-2016 at 08:41 ----------


Do you really think that if the population reduced the government would keep the same number of GPs so that we could all get an appointment nice and quick?


How do imagine that GPs come into being and/or exit the career?


---------- Post added 23-06-2016 at 08:42 ----------


You think all the immigrants we have are doctors and nurses? You've been Guardian/BBC brainwashed.

The majority, the vast vast majority are people with little or no qualifications using up the NHS resources and keeping the locals waiting.

Yes, we all know a brown person who is a very good doctor and lovely, but there are millions of others who are not.


If I assume that "brown person" means they are not from the EU, you do realise that we only allow them in if they have skills that we want?

There are not millions of unskilled or low skilled immigrants from outside the EU.


---------- Post added 23-06-2016 at 08:44 ----------


A simple way to cut the queue is to work extra 2 hours aday until all the back log is all clear. Then we wouldn't have this problem


Okay... So all GPs have enforced overtime (not legal). For some extended length of time (probably years).

Then they go back to normal working hours, and the problem immediately recurs.


The solution is to train more GPs. But to do that the profession has to be attractive to them, otherwise why bother, it takes 12 years to qualify, it's hard, very hard, there are easier routes to earn more and have a less stressful working life.

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We don't need racist remarks. Dude it's 2016


Is that racist? How is that racist? WTH?


---------- Post added 23-06-2016 at 22:20 ----------




Totally inappropriate dude :nono:


Which century are you living in? :gag:


Jeez! :hihi:


21st century. Same as you.

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My GP is fine for getting doctors appointments, it's nurses appointments that are difficult always has been 3 weeks or more, this week I had surgery and was given a letter from the hospital requesting that my dressings, wounds and stitches be checked on the 28th of this month, my partner took the letter in and the receptionist told her no appointments with a nurse until the middle of July....my partner gave the receptionist a brief talking too, about post operative care advice and following instructions from a consultant isn't something to be ignored. They managed to fit me for this month.:rolleyes:


As stated GP appointments great, but for the seeking a nurses appointment or getting a blood tests done, not so great.

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You don't get it do you. Once the 4 week back log is clear there will be no more waiting for 4weeks for appointment


So the demand will have fallen again after those 4 weeks, and from then on fewer people will need to see a GP?

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