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What doesn't kill you makes you stronger??

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I think that it can work either way it depends on how many bad things happen to you, what they are and how you eventually view them, I do think though that as you get older you begin to realise that you can weather the storm, it isn't easier or nicer but experience teaches that you will survive...that in itself is a help.

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I think that it can work either way it depends on how many bad things happen to you, what they are and how you eventually view them, I do think though that as you get older you begin to realise that you can weather the storm, it isn't easier or nicer but experience teaches that you will survive...that in itself is a help.


Good post.

Maybe it's only as you get older and look back do you realise that you've survived an awful lot, and learnt from it.

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Unless you've survived a terrible accident, but are now in a coma, or paraplegic.

Then you'll probably not consider yourself to be stronger...


Some things make you stronger, some cripple you and leave you living a life of pain.

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I’ve never really agreed with it in respect of my own life experiences. I find that going through situations can generally make you weaker, or is that just getting older making us feel that way. Maybe others have experienced it differently. What do you think?


Tell that to a person who has been treated for cancer.The experience has not made them stronger but has left them afraid and depressed.

Also troops who have been injured in wars and have lost limbs etc; would not agree with this statement.

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Tell that to a person who has been treated for cancer.The experience has not made them stronger but has left them afraid and depressed.

Also troops who have been injured in wars and have lost limbs etc; would not agree with this statement.


Thanks Pattricia not had cancer but had open heart surgery, and face possibility of more in 2.5 years, it has left me depressed and afraid of what is round the corner. I wake up every day and to me that is my bonus in life, plus my wonderful wife & family.



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When I was trying to recover from radical surgery which saved my life but left me with my dominant arm permanently disabled and during the 8 years of chemo and radiotherapy that followed it, I told my friends and family that the next person who patted me on my (very VERY sore) shoulder and told me that what didn't kill me would make me stronger would be leaving with their teeth in a paper bag.


This is the worst of platitudes. It leaves those deep in the bottom of a mental hole, in freefall trying to work out how to cope with life changing disabilities or crippling pain feeling inadequate because they can't feel strong while they're in such a crisis.


I don't want to have to be stronger. I'm strong enough thank you, and I do not wish to be even stronger because I've survived something even worse.

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The thought of going through my bad times again gives me horrors so no, definitely not stronger.


I pick my battles with more care now though, every rough patch has given me a better perspective and the majority of stuff isn't worth the time we give it.

That's a positive.

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