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What doesn't kill you makes you stronger??

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Those who came out missing limbs or with permanent mental issues might well agree, mentally and physically damaged, permanently.


Going through a tough situation can mean you learn coping skills. Or it can leave you with PTSD and night terrors.


I think you contradict yourself. It doesn't seem to make sense. Obviously there are those who are weakened and those who become stronger; we cite different examples. The human spirit does tend cope remarkably well due to the psyche. Then again there are examples of the 'we're all doomed' brigade.


I'd rather believe I'd apply myself to any situation, and have, no matter what was coming my way. Glass half full always.


In every hospital there is an overwhelming majority of people who fight their illness relentlessly and forcefully right to the end. That is the reality. That is the strength and for those who survive then without a doubt they are stronger, with or without the loss of limbs. The latter was something that Harry referred to about not only his mates but injured servicemen in general.


The human spirit.

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I quite like this saying because I always see it as a positive thing. It's saying 'i've been through bad times, but I am still here and still have a life to live'.

Having said that, I am only using my own experiences. I have never had anything horrific happen to me, but I have definitely had days that have been......shall we say, not good. :)

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I was in a very abusive relationship when i was in my early 20's.. Looking back i wonder why the hell i hung around for so long! but back then i was stuck in a rut and just going through the motions, thought i actually loved the loser!! I felt down, worthless, i lost all self confidence.. Then one day i found the strength to leave him, i didnt want to feel like that anymore..


For quite some time afterwards i was still feeling down and scared and lonely! Some times those feelings were worse than the ones i had whilst i was with him.. at one very low point I even contemplated getting back with him!!!!!!! but then one day, out of nowhere, the rain stopped and the sun came out...


NEVER again will i tolerate that, NEVER again will i allow myself to feel so worthless and NEVER again will i settle for anything other than a good, happy life..


I'm stronger now than i have ever been and i put it down to going through that..

Edited by Chelle-82
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I think there's a time and a place for saying What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.


Some thrive on it, some won't and it REALLY depends on the situation.


Time and a place, you have to be tactful and say it in a certain context.


Usually however, there is always something to positively learn from an experience.


Big shout out to people who've or who are having a very challenging time. :)

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How do you think I contradicted myself?


Edit - probably where I wrote "agree" should be "disagree"...


The original quote is from Nietzsche and it was based on his own experience. His own view. Being a phiosopher he had quite a few.


Here's another from him: 'There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.'


Again I'd argue in agreement with the first Nietzsche quote. As he became the adopted philospher for the Nazis it's worth mentioning that he was clearly mis-understood by them. His concept of suffering, of disappointment but of carrying on having accepted that is how life is, does make you stronger, because you accept its outcomes and are not defeated by them.

Edited by Owethemnowt
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