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NUM Building development - Turtle Bay etc

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you really couldn't make it up, at a time when Sheffield city centre is in dire need to some big names shopwise and Restaurant wise, Sheffield Planners decided to stick the boot into Turtle Bay Restaurants and make petty restrictions on the use of stairs? apparently the planners dont want waiters running up and down stairs mixed with customers? Really?? have a look at busy restaurants in London , Manchester and Leeds!! quite a few have this between levels and it works just fine and it adds to atmosphere of the place? to insist on a dumb waiter lift will slow up service and give the business a significant cost.

i agree Health and safety has to be observed but really????.

this business operates another 34 sites without problem? but hey this is sheffield:loopy::loopy:




Oh, that Turtle Bay that takes staff tips. Hardly concerned for staff welfare are they?


Restaurants’ tipping policy ‘forces waiters to pay to work’




It's a lousy chain and lacks any real authentic taste. Support a local Caribbean restaurant if you want a proper West Indian food. Sheffield City Centre is packed with chains now.

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Oh dear, someone on the internet is finding out that a badly constructed, un-linked and incorrect post get criticised by the wider community. Where's my very tiny violin?


oh go worry some sheep:roll:


---------- Post added 14-09-2016 at 20:23 ----------


Oh, that Turtle Bay that takes staff tips. Hardly concerned for staff welfare are they?


Restaurants’ tipping policy ‘forces waiters to pay to work’




It's a lousy chain and lacks any real authentic taste. Support a local Caribbean restaurant if you want a proper West Indian food. Sheffield City Centre is packed with chains now.


staff welfare?? you know all about running a business then? with regards tipping it depends on the company policy.

as for a lousy chain i think you will find it must be doing something right 34 sites is not insignificant. Ah proper west indian food you mean in gunland spittle hill??

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It makes more sence to have a lift, what if you were going up the stairs and a waiter was going down stairs with something hot bumped into each other you would not be a happy bunny.


If you look where you are going this wouldnt happen.


Basic common sense and no need for the safety jobsworths get to the knickers in a twist about.

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This is yet another sign of what a society of pussies we're turning into. :loopy:


Yes, I suggest we also send all under-16s down the coal mines for a couple of years' work experience.


And while we're at it, let's reduce bin collections to once a month and stop piping clean water directly into people's homes. A good dose of cholera does wonders for the immune system.


Sure, the short-term effects will hurt, but the long-term benefits will be incalculable.

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Yes, I suggest we also send all under-16s down the coal mines for a couple of years' work experience.


And while we're at it, let's reduce bin collections to once a month and stop piping clean water directly into people's homes. A good dose of cholera does wonders for the immune system.


Sure, the short-term effects will hurt, but the long-term benefits will be incalculable.


Why do you have to go to ridiculous extremes? those things you've mentioned there are rightly consigned to history, but sharing some stairs with waiters carrying plates of food?? please! I'll take my chances. :roll:


The health and safety people are running out of things to do so they're having to scrape the barrel for stuff now.

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